Monday, September 05, 2022

prison joke

John Theone responding to the news that raceless kidnapping (rape, murder) suspect Cleotha Abston may be eligible to be bonded out, in the Eliza Fletcher case.

By JohnTheone

Edited (by Theone)

well, isn't this a crock of good news. he should remain incarcerated until they either find her or her remains, which I'm guessing will be the latter. my brother-in-law used to work for corrections and he asked me one time; "how many correctional officers does it take to throw an inmate down the stairs?" I said, "I don't know, how many?" he replied, "none, he fell."


Anonymous said...

Kindergarden teacher. Mother of two young boys. Career habitual kidnapper did her in. Evil. Death penalty case.

Anonymous said...

In abston's case,falling down the stairs isn't enough.As I said,cbs reported,that there's surveillance video OF THE ABDUCTION--and "it was extremely violent."

The way it's decided which sociopathic gets released--and when--is a crime in itself.NONE of the criminals who exhibit the behavior this nig*er has in the past,should ever be let out of prison.

Or you have a country--like we have now--where it's unsafe to live near ANY blacks.

You just don't know,if the one walking or driving by you,is nuts or not(assume--yes.)


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
AI can detect Covid in voice?

This from the article:

Ms Wafaa Aljbawi, a researcher at the Institute of Data Science, Maastricht University, The Netherlands, told the congress that the AI model was accurate 89% of the time,

Its overall accuracy was 89%, its ability to correctly detect positive cases (the true positive rate or "sensitivity") was 89%, and its ability to correctly identify negative cases (the true negative rate or "specificity") was 83%.

"These results show a significant improvement in the accuracy of diagnosing COVID-19 compared to state-of-the-art tests such as the lateral flow test," said Ms Aljbawi. "The lateral flow test has a sensitivity of only 56%, but a higher specificity rate of 99.5%.

What could possibly go wrong here? Do all conversations get recorded and sifted through to find people infected with Covid? Then the Covid Gestapo knocks on the door and you get sent to an internment camp?

Anonymous said...

If they can tell I haven't been vaxxed,I'll worry--because then--internment camp--here I come.