Tuesday, September 06, 2022

“Liberalism is a factory for the production of dead white females.”

war criminal Benjamin Brantley, 18, and his victim, Kayla Castro, 16

By N.S.

That was Larry Auster, back in 2012, not long before “the Red Witch” came for him.

“While official America continues to deny the extreme violence of blacks and to promote the Big Lie that blacks are being put in danger by racist whites, blacks continue to murder whites, day in, day out, often in the most savage ways, yet official America doesn’t notice. It tells whites, especially young white females, that they have nothing to fear from blacks, and that they are racist if they avoid even the most intimate contact with them.

“Kayla Castro, aged 16, of Columbus, Georgia, was dating (to use today’s euphemism for sexual intercourse) Benjamin Brantley, aged 18.

“Last Saturday night, in Benjamin’s bedroom, he killed Kayla by shooting her in the chest with a sawed-off shotgun. He told police that it was an accident, that “he was walking back to his bedroom with a sawed off shotgun a family member had just returned to him when the gun went off.”

“The police aren’t buying it. They’ve charged Brantley with murder.

“According to Kayla’s best friend, Amanda Cochran, 15:
… sometimes Kayla would hang out with the wrong crowd, people who did not want to do what’s right, but Kayla always acted properly.
“It does not occur to Amanda that one is not acting properly if one is not only hanging out with bad people, but sleeping with them.

“But, living in liberal society, how could it occur to her? First, the sexual liberation side of liberalism tells teenagers they should be having active sex lives. Then the racial equality side of liberalism tells them that they shouldn’t discriminate among their sex partners, especially if they are white girls and a black boy or man is interested in them.

“Liberalism is a factory for the production of dead white females.”

“Yet the adherents of liberalism think that they represent a higher morality, and that the rest of us are subnormal bigots!”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 03, 2012 03:35 p.m.

N.S.: The first time I saw Larry write a version of his big idea, in 2009, it was fuzzier at the edges, “a factory for producing young female murder victims.”

I asked him if he meant “white” females, and he replied that he did. Thereafter, he made his saying more explicit, specific, and thus more powerful.

“Lawrence Auster said...
Nicholas Stix wrote”:

N.S.: “Larry Auster calls modern liberal society ‘a factory for producing young female murder victims.’ I believe Auster was referring to white female murder victims, or at least, I would make that qualification.”

L.A.: “Yes, thank you. Of course you’re right that I was thinking primarily of white femaless. [sic]

L.A.: “It occurs to me that one could construct an entire paradigm of modern society around this idea, by looking at all the components in the production process.”

Monday, March 23, 2009 at 8:35:00 P.M. EDT


Anonymous said...

"The police aren’t buying it. They’ve charged Brantley with murder."

It was murder. Just to what degree not determined. Reckless and wanton behavior or premeditated with malice. That needs to be sorted out. "Sorted".

Rick McHale said...

Lawrence was a great man. I miss him very much.

Anonymous said...

And women like Adele or the Kardashians who,by their preference for blacks,do not help.The difference between Adele's black "dates" and the blacks in Anytown U.S.A.however,is obvious--money--though just because the blacks that Adele favors are rich--they are still as capable of turning on her as the thug black does with regular White women(see various black sports guys for proof of that).

But White girls/women don't understand any of that dynamic--they see Adele with blacks--and get influenced to try it.The eventual result will not be in their favor


David In TN said...

The NY Times had an article (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/04/us/memphis-eliza-fletcher-abduction-suspect.html) on the case Tuesday afternoon.

"Ns. Fletcher's remains were found about seven miles from where she was abducted but just blocks from Mario Abston's apartment."

"Cleotha Abston was sentenced to 24 years in prison in 2001 in the abduction of Kemper Durand, a well-known Memphis lawyer, as well as a charge of aggravated robbery, court records show. The formal charge in the abduction was 'especially aggravated kidnapping.' He was released in November 2020."

"'We have no reason to think this is anything other than an isolated attack by a stranger,' Steve Mulroy, the Shelby County district attorney, said Tuesday."

David In TN: He was sentenced to 24 years for his previous crime, served 19, about the usual.

The local DA, one Steve Mulroy, calls it "an isolated attack by a stranger." I believe he is a recently elected Soros DA.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
MayHeCan director Alejandro González Iñárritu has long been a critical darling in Hollywood but his latest movie, Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths, has gotten bad reviews prompting him to play the race card by saying "There is a kind of racist undercurrent".
Gotta love it, when the Woke critics love him, he loves them back, when the Woke critics don't like his work, they must be racist. Yet another example of the left eating it's own.


Here is a short description of his new movie: The themes and ideas — involving identity, Mexican history, race, success, family and mortality

OK...This one's got pretentious racist BS written all over it, but that's just my from the hip opinion, haven't seen it and don't plan on it but it must be pretty bad because leftist Hollywood critics generally want to love anything that makes Whitey look evil and non Whites look saintly.

I was only vaguely aware of Inarritu based on the movie Revenant which I watched a few years ago. It was OK though would have been better with a real man in the lead role rather than metro-ish Leonardo DiCaprio. I've never seen any of his other movies so really don't know enough about him to evaluate his talents as a director but I do wonder if the love he's gotten from critics was the Spike Lee type of love, they'll love everything you do because you're not White, but once in a while hate something to seem like they're objective.

Anonymous said...

And not only the whitey woman in danger from the negro "boyfriend". Sometimes when the negro "snaps" the entire famblee of the woman is in danger too. On occasion a mass murder occurs the negro is so revengeful.

Nicholas said...

Rick McHale said...

"Lawrence was a great man. I miss him very much."

N.S.: Me, too.

Anonymous said...

"He was sentenced to 24 years for his previous crime, served 19, about the usual."

Serving so much of a sentence really abnormal today. Unless that is a class X felony what it is called meaning you must serve 3/4 of your sentence.

Anonymous said...

" especially if they are white girls and a black boy or man is interested in them."

Sometimes too a much older negro man.

Robert Kardashian also the father of the Kardashian "girls" was the best friend of OJ Simpson. For whatever that say. Congratulations Robert. You failed raising your daughters.