Saturday, September 03, 2022

city council hires racist black city manager, the entire police department resigns, and step three is…

By N.S.

“after entire police department quits, council fires town manager”

"Naturally, some progressives are claiming it’s all about race when an all-white police force resigns after the hiring of a black town manager."

Of course, it was all about race. She's a racist. What is it with republicans, that they always feel the need to lie and say, "This isn't about race"?


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
As anybody who reads my comments knows, one of my pet subjects is how Woken ideology is programming young women into becoming neurotic psychologically fragile messes, here is yet another example:
A young beautiful woman with with a career as a TV anchorwoman commits suicide over some douchebag boyfriend because he broke up with her. Check out the photo of this guy, she could swing a dead cat and hit a dozen better looking guys, who are far better catches than this sad sack. Yet she was so desperate for his love she died for it. This sort of thing happens because in today's Woke society, young women are told everyday that they are depressed, anxiety ridden and being tormented by men who are in control of their emotional health. If they're not willing to go lesbo to deal with it, the they might as well kill themselves. Before somebody challenges me to find someone who directly says that, of course, nobody "directly" says that, just watch some female oriented talk shows, listen to some Oprah and her phony empowerment messages to young girls and read between the lines of MeToo rhetoric, it's all there.

Anonymous said...

Give the nigs an inch--they've shown that they'll take much more than a mile.Whites are okay with this--being ruled by blacks?

And ruled badly.

Why do they vote blacks in and then move out of the city in disgust and fear?


Anonymous said...

YES. Just leave, keep your dignity, find another place to practice your trade, and don't look back as Lot's wife did. Just keep moving along with your life.