Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Large New York Health Care System Fires 1,400 Unvaccinated Workers

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

2% of the workers fired.Imagine if 98% had said F.U. to the vaxx.


eahilf said...

Always the same language about 'protecting' others that re vaccination would have been rightly deemed nonsensical just a short time ago:

“Northwell believes that having a fully vaccinated workforce is an important measure in our duty to protect the health and safety of our staff, our patients, and the communities we serve,” the health care system said. “This allows us to continue to provide exceptional care at all of our facilities, without interruption and remain open and fully operational.”

It's developing into the weirdest cult/quasi-religion since racial egalitarianism, the idiotic belief that all races are created equal and any unequal outcomes, e.g. in average SES, must be due to 'racism'.

Karen Roses, a patient care technician at a Northwell hospital in Riverhead, New York, told The Epoch Times that she knew her refusal to get a vaccine could mean she loses her job, but said she’s “not going to be bullied or pressured [by] anybody for any reason.” ...
“It’s not an anti-vaccine statement. It’s a freedom of choice statement,” she said.

After COVID, no western nation should ever call itself free again.

eahilf said...

>Imagine if 98% had said F.U. to the vaxx.

Yes -- there is only a political solution to this: mass non-compliance -- it isn't and was never an epidemiological/public health problem -- not really.

When I was saying this in the Spring of 2020, no one really took it seriously.

Denver -- I assume UCHealth is Univ of Colorado health:

UCHealth Denies Kidney Transplant To Unvaccinated Woman & Donor