Friday, October 15, 2021

Breaking News: Nikolas Cruz Will Plead Guilty to February 14, 2018, Parkland School Massacre, in Which He Slaughtered 17 People

By N.S.

Why did it take over three-and-a-half years?

Nikolas Cruz will plead guilty to Parkland school massacre


eahilf said...

>Why did it take over three-and-a-half years?

They waited for the case to fall down the 'memory hole' (link).

A plea deal means no trial, no presentation and assessment of the evidence, no culpability on the part of anyone other than the defendant.

As I said, most people have absolutely no idea that this is increasingly what 'justice' looks like in America: a significant majority of criminal cases are settled via plea deals.

Anonymous said...

He attacked the guard in prison [jail?] and tried to kill him. A really bad guy. I am sure he will do well in prison. Already off to a good start.