Sunday, November 08, 2020

What Does Ken Burns Have Against black People?

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Sunday, November 8, 2020 at 9:15:00 P.M. EST

60 Minutes Unintentionally Shows black Sympathizer Ken Burns to be a Phony

60 Minutes, which used to have decent shows years ago, did a profile of Ken Burns tonight. I caught some of it and heard ex-cbs news anchor Scott Pelley sound as feminine as a man can be in gushing about Burn’s mission in films—race.

“Everything comes down to race in my films,” he said.

Burns, of course, is pro-black and focuses his films in that manner. The Civil War, Thomas Jefferson, Jackie Robinson, all received examination through the anti-White lens of Ken Burns.

It was then to my surprise—or actually not much at all—that Pelley revealed Burns, “did not live in New York or California, but on a large farm in New Hampshire,” where he was shown walking—with nary a black in sight. In fact, New Hampshire, according to the census, is the Whitest state in the US at 94%, tied with Vermont. Maine is 93%.

Yet, a White guy who seems to think that blacks are unfairly persecuted people—who should mix with Whites—isolates himself from them at his home, city, and state. Another liberal phony for the ages.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course, typical. We, the working class whites can be subjected to black hatred and violence . But not Burns. I seriously dislike Ken Burns. I wish he lived in one of the black commandeered neighborhoods I've lived or he worked in a black woman dominated job. If Ken Burns worked in a civil service job the tone of his mocku mentaries would change quickly.