Murder victim Sandi Sutton-Wasmund, 48, and her husband, James. Mrs. Sutton-Wasmund was on her way to the airprort, and left behind three teenaged children.

Murder victim Michael Boldon, 62. Mr. Boldon was driving Mrs. Sutton-Wasmund to the airport in his taxi. When he wasn’t driving, he was caring for his 93-year-old mother, owned two homes, and was looking forward to celebrating his 63rd birthday in two weeks.

Murder victim Ken Cherry, 27, aka Kenny Clutch, was a pimp and a convicted felon. However, his multiple lawyers deny he had ever been in any trouble with the law, and his father insists that it is “racist” to describe Cherry/Clutch as anything but “a good boy.”

Las Vegas mass murder suspect Ammar Asim Faruq Harris in an undated mug shot
Posted by Nicholas Stix
[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:
“Las Vegas: Black Pimp Kenneth Cherry Jr., aka Kenny Clutch, is Murdered While Driving His Maserati, Plus 2 Innocent Vics in Taxicab; Media, Attorney, Cops Respond with Competition to See Who Can Tell the Most Outrageous Racial Fairy Tales”; and
“Las Vegas: Police Reveal Names of Real Victims and Suspect in Pimp Mass Murder Case; Suspect is Convicted Felon Charged in Kidnapping, Rape, Etc., with History of Bail-Jumping; Pimp’s Father Plays Race Card; Yet Another Lawyer Working for Dead Pimp Materializes to Lie, Denying Pimp Had Any Criminal Record!”]
By David in TN
An unusually candid column by John L. Smith in the Las Vegas Review Journal reveals Kenneth Cherry Jr. was a pimp.
Smith wrote that Cherry's father, Kenneth Sr., "called his son an aspiring rapper with the moniker 'Kenny Clutch' a good kid who was a victim of senseless violence."
"But dad didn't tell the reporters present what the 27-year old did to pay the condo rent and the lease on that Maserati. If we presume for the sake of discussion Kenneth Sr. didn't know his son was a pimp, the father needn't have looked far for confirmation."
"He could have asked one of his son's girlfriends, Asmayit 'May' Hagos. She lived with Cherry Jr., and her arrest record indicates she worked for him."
"Hagos wasn't exactly in hiding. She also attended that news conference."
The column has still more relevant information. Smith concludes with: "Sounds like the good kid was having a bad day, but that's the way it is with pimps."
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