By destructure
March 20, 2012

Editorial Note: I’ve continued to update this page as I’ve encountered new information. Major modifications are noted. Minor modifications are not.
GZ = George Zimmerman TM = Trayvon Martin
Did GZ ignore the dispatcher’s instructions? Some claim the 911 dispatcher ordered GZ not to follow TM. But that’s not true. During GZ’s 911 call, the dispatcher asked him if he was following TM. When GZ said he was the dispatcher replied, “We don’t need you to do that.” According to Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee, “The call taker’s suggestion is not a lawful order that Mr. Zimmerman would be required to follow.” Regardless, the evidence suggests GZ took the dispatcher’s suggestion. See my post, “What if Zimmerman didn’t ignore 911?“
How did their exchange begin? Some claim GZ is wrong because he approached TM. But there is no evidence GZ approached TM or behaved inappropriately. A lawyer for Martin’s family, Attorney Benjamin Crump, told ABC News that TM’s girlfriend overheard the start of their exchange. According to Crump, the girlfriend heard TM ask, “What are you following me for?” To which GZ responds, “What are you doing around here?” But that’s all she claims to have heard of the exchange.
Who was screaming?
(Read the rest here.)
[From the Trayvon Martin Hoax files:
“Sanford, Florida: Black ‘Little Boy,’Trayvon Martin 17, Beat White ‘Vigilante’ George Zimmerman Bloody; Zimmerman Shot Martin Dead; Now Black WFTV ‘Reporter,’ Daralene Jones, Black Supremacists, and White Aunt Jemima Earwitness Demand That Zimmerman be Arrested”;
“Trayvon Martin: ABC ‘News’ Gets on Bandwagon, Acting as Martin’s Family Mouthpiece; Family Lawyer Refuses to Release All Information about Teen’s Last Phone Call to Girlfriend, but Insists That It Requires That George Zimmerman be Arrested ‘Right Now’”;
“Arrest First, Investigate Later: Press Conference by Lawyer Benjamin Crump, of Trayvon Martin’s Family, Seeks Through Violation of Due Process… to Railroad George Zimmerman”;
“News Coverage of the Trayvon Martin Case Keeps Getting Worse: New York Daily News Passes Off ABC News Hearsay as ‘Interview,’ While Changing the Hearsay!”;
“USA Today: ‘In wake of black teen Trayvon Martin's death, USA is soul-searching’; McPaper Invokes Jena 6, Quotes Al Sharpton, Self-Described ‘ThugNiggaIntellectual’ Mark Neal, and Jena Attacker Theo Shaw as Moral Authorities”;
“Why the Secret ‘Interview’ with Trayvon Martin’s Secret Girlfriend is Bogus, and His Alleged Last Cell Phone Call is Insignificant”;
“Another Trayvon Martin Supporter: Florida Atlantic U. Hate Crime Attacker Jonatha Carr Had Just been Interviewed about the Jena Six/Nuremberg-Style Rally She’s been Organizing; CBS12 News Tries to Rationalize Her Crimes”;
“Trayvon Martin’s Parents Attend New York City Riot Held on Their Behalf”;
“Associated Press and Penn Live: Arrest George Zimmerman for Killing Trayvon Martin, the Law be Damned! Let Zimmerman Prove His Innocence in Court!”
“National Review ‘Conservative’ Rich Lowry Goes to Bat for Al Sharpton in Trayvon Martin Case, Ignoring or Misrepresenting Facts of the Case”;
“Trayvon Martin Case: Real Eyewitness Supports Zimmerman’s Story, as Opposed to Lynch Mob’s Fake Eyewitnesses”;
“Barack Obama: Because Trayvon Martin was Black, and Vaguely Resembled Me, ‘All of Us Have to Do Some Soul-Searching’”;
“The Trayvon Martin Hoax: Business Insider Joins Mob Seeking to Lynch George Zimmerman”;
“The Trayvon Martin Hoax: Geraldo Rivera Finally Does the Right Thing!”;
“Black Supremacist Spike Lee (‘Tawana Told the Truth!’) is Trying to Get George Zimmerman Murdered, by Tweeting His Address: The Trayvon Martin Hoax”;
“Hoax Starts to Unravel: Trayvon Martin Started Fight, and was Going to Kill George Zimmerman”;
“George Zimmerman’s Lawyer and Friend Defend Him Against Trayvon Martin Hoax, While ABC News Soldiers on, Repeating Refuted Claims”;
“First Report on Trayvon Martin’s Death One Month Ago Already Included Eyewitness Description of Martin Beating George Zimmerman, and Zimmerman Yelling ‘Help Me!’”;
“George Zimmerman: Trayvon Martin was Trying to Murder Me (Orlando Sentinel)”;
“Jesse Jackson Called for Riots on Behalf of Trayvon Martin, and North Miami Beach Senior HS Students Came Through, Ransacking a Walgreen’s”;
“Another ‘Honor Student’: Trayvon Martin was a Thug, Vandal, Burglar, Pothead and/or Drug Dealer, and Had been Suspended from School at Least 3 Times”;
“The Nation of Islam’s New Black Panther Party Offers $10,000 Bounty for the Kidnapping (or Murder?) of George Zimmerman, for Shooting Trayvon Martin”;
“Walter Williams on Profiling and the Trayvon Martin Case”;
“Barack Obama’s Ally, the Genocidal Nation of Islam’s New Black Panther Party, Calls for the Murder of George Zimmerman”;
“Trayvon Martin: Racist Terrorist Rep. Bobby Rush (Race-Chicago/Black Panthers), is Thrown Off House Floor for Donning a Hoodie, and Denouncing ‘Racial Profiling’; CBS ‘News’ Soldiers on with Race Hoax”;
“Heather MacDonald Goes Halfway on the Trayvon Martin Case, Race, and the Media”; and
“I Guess Everybody Would Have Preferred George be Beaten to Death; My Son being Shot”: Video of George Zimmerman’s Father’s Exclusive Miami Herald Interview.”]
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