Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Georgia school mass shooting suspect Colt Gray made threats last year and got a visit from police, during which he denied he was behind those threats

[“Colt Gray, 14, id’d as mass shooter at Winder, Georgia school; the msm have so far refused to show shooter’s picture (What does that tell you?).”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, september 4, 2024 at 10:21:00 p.m. edt

“(Fox-atlanta) the alleged shooter who killed four people at a Georgia high school and wounded nine others wednesday previously made threats online to commit a school shooting, the fbi said.

“in a joint statement, the fbi’s atlanta field office and Jackson county sheriff’s office said the agency’s national threat operations center received an anonymous tip in may 2023 about threats posted online regarding a possible school shooting.

“the threats contained images of guns, the fbi said.

“within 24 hours, investigators determined the threats originated in Georgia and the matter was referred to the sheriff’s office.

“‘the Jackson county sheriffs’ office located a possible subject, a 13-year-old male, and interviewed him and his father,’ the fbi said. ‘the father stated he had hunting guns in the house, but the subject did not have unsupervised access to them.

“the boy denied making the threats and authorities alerted local schools to monitor the child.

“at the time, there was no cause to make an arrest, authorities said.

“on wednesday, authorities identified Colt Gray, 14, as the shooter who killed two students and two teachers at apalachee high school. Gray surrender [sic] to authorities and was taken into custody. he is expected to charged as an adult with murder.

“‘as a follow to the joint statement just released, the subject referred to as the 13 year old [sic] is the same subject in custody related to today’s shootings at apalachee high school,’ the fbi said.

“at the time, the family resided in Jackson county according to an fbi source, but have since relocated to Barrow county, Georgia.



Anonymous said...

Dad in the house,hunting enthusiasts--the only other way the sheriff could be more explicit in saying and describing that the kid was White would be to bring a White,14 year old stunt double to the presser and say,"This is what the perp looks like...mostly."


Anonymous said...

Early seeds are being planted to go after Colt Gray's dad--as was done in Michigan to Ethan Crumbley's parents.

Gray's father said,"He did NOT have access to the hunting rifles in the house"--seeking to legally cover his behind.

But just the fact that cops visited the house last year and then in 2024,the kid got an AK-15 from SOMEWHERE,well,you know,authorities are itching to get Whitey parents now,if they catch a whiff of having a small chance of being able to get a conviction

I don't know the laws in Georgia pertaining to holding parents responsible for their kid's murder sprees.

But media likes it,so I wouldn't be surprised in the least,if they do go after Colt's father--unless he's black(1% chance of that,I think).


AbolishTenure said...

Not so sure about the delay in a getting a photo. "Gray" could go either way but "Colt" sounds totally white. Too much of a stretch to think that it's short for Quoltavious or Colt'a Kinte.

FYI 2020 Census stats from Ickypedia: with (2000 in parens) and I hope the columns and line breaks survive the blogging software. The big mover, as in most of the southeast, is the españolificación. That 13% in 2020 is probably well on the way to 20%+ by 2030.

.................................. Winder ..................Barrow County....................
White.........................59% (75%)......................67% (84%)...............
Black........................ 20% (17%) .....................12% (10%)..............
'panic........................ 13% (4%)........................13% (3%)...................
others & mixed........ 8% (4%)...................... 8% (3%).................

And for what it's worth, pronounced with a long I sound, WYNE-der.
Not with a short I, as in Archie Bunker's response to Gloria whining about murders and the need for gun control: "Would it make ya feel any better, little girl, if they wuz pushed outta windas?"

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Pictures of Colt Gray have been released. Long haired White kid who looks about to turn into what we would have called a hippie back in the day:

He may not be black or Mex but I'd be willing to bet he'd call himself woke.

Anonymous said...

As Archie would've said,"Another one of those sexually con-FUSED,PRE-verts?"

He's huskier than most lgtbqs who want to be girls,but there's something there that "just don't look right."


Anonymous said...

This is a bit off topic, but if the two murdered teachers had been armed, the outcome may have been better. But left is horrified about having legal guns in schools so all guns must be in the hands of criminals. Yes there was an armed school resource officer--without him there would probably be more deaths, but what is the teachers were all trained and armed?