Thursday, September 19, 2024

She gave them “the talk”: racially motivated hate crime attack: 34-year-old nEGRESS attacks White, 14-year-old girl (using the old stand-by, “she called us a ni**ger,” as an an excuse)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, september 19, 2024 at 8:44:00 p.m. edt

“(Breitbart) two families broke out into a brawl at a florida ihop after a woman allegedly attacked a teenage girl for talking badly about her four children, a shocking video shows.

“the fight took place on monday night in north miami beach when Precious Williams, 34, accused a 14-year-old girl who was in the restaurant with her family of saying something racist about her children, who range in age from three to eight, the daily mail reported.

“the brawl was caught on video and police were called, after which Williams was arrested and taken in.

“Williams has a possible 5 year sentence waiting for her, if convicted of assaulting a minor.”


N.S.: I believe that Precious Williams had given her kids “the talk.” In 1955, after Emmitt Till got himself killed for putting his hands on and demanding sex from a married White woman, Mrs. Carolyn Bryant, and refusing to later apologize for what he’d done, Till’s mother, Mamie Till, asserted that she’d given him “a talk” before he’d left Chicago for Mississippi. She claimed that she’d told her son to be careful how be behaved around the White people in Jim Crow Mississippi. I am convinced that Mrs. Till lied. If she had given her son a “talk” about anything, it was along the lines of, ‘And don’t you take no [bleep] from none of them White crackers.’ Otherwise, her son completely ignored what she’d told him.

Beginning no later than 1999, black supremacists have turned “the talk” into a pillar of their system of lies.

Another pillar of black supremacist subculture is publicly violating Whites of all ages, especially adults doing this in front of children, as “a teachable moment,” in order to instruct black kids how they are to act towards Whites. That, I am convinced, is what Precious Williams was doing to that 14-year-old White girl, in that north miami beach restaurant.

I’ll be shocked if Precious Williams does five days, much less five years in jail.

Note that the vic has a righteous father.

Corrected lede: A black mother committed assault and battery against a White girl, 14, at a florida ihop. The victim’s family then defended her against her attacker.

Comment I left at Breitbart: Note that her liar, er lawyer, helped her come up with her race hoax, after she’d been arrested. In the restaurant, she claimed that her son had told her that the 14-year-old girl had said something critical about her kids. First of all, you don’t get to commit assault and battery against a kid, in either case. What I believe happened was that she committed a racially motivated hate crime against the White girl as a “teachable moment” for her kids. ‘This is what you do to them.’ I’ve seen and experienced this many times. They know that they’ll never go to jail for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Teachable moment"--especially if "precious" gets away with it--then we'll all learn about how much the balance of law has swung to negro liars and thugs.