Wednesday, September 04, 2024

communist/racial socialist/dnc web site Mother Jones is spreading old racist blood libels against Elon Musk (video)

By Nicholas Stix

221,068 views Mar 27, 2024

“racist pseudo-science is making a comeback thanks to Elon Musk. recently, the tech billionaire has been retweeting prominent race scientist adherents on his platform x (formally [sic] known as twitter), spreading misinformation about racial minorities’ intelligence and physiology to his audience of 176.3 million followers—a dynamic my colleague Garrison Hayes analyzes in his latest video for Mother Jones.

x, and before it twitter, has a long-held reputation for being a breeding ground for White supremacy.”

[That’s a completely fictional, racist blood libel.]

“dating as far back as the 2016 election, these extremists have used the app to sow seeds of misinformation and spread racism. Garrison zeroes in on a specific phenomenon: Musk is amplifying users who will incorporate cherry-picked data [b.s.] and misleading graphs [b.s.] into their argument as to why people of european descent are biologically superior. he shows how fringe accounts, like user @eyeslasho, experience a drastic jump in followers after Musk shares their tweets. the @eyeslasho account even thanked Musk for raising ‘awareness’ in a thread last year. (neither @eyeslasho nor Musk, via x, responded to Garrison’s request for an interview.)

[More b.s. What “cherry-picked data”? “fringe accounts”: any people who disagree with us.]

“ ‘people are almost more susceptible to simpler charts with race and iq than they are to the really complicated stuff,’ Will Stancil, a lawyer and research fellow at the institute on metropolitan opportunity, told Garrison in a video interview. he added: ‘this is the most basic statistical error in the book: correlation does not equal causation.’

[N.S.: Yada, yada, yada. Regarding anything our critics say, we just pull out a meaningless talking point like “correlation…” That’s one of communists/racial socialists’ favorite lines of b.s. It may be true in general, but reds use it when those whom they hate speak the truth.

And what is “the really complicated stuff” Stancil is talking about? Nothing. There’s nothing there.]

“in 2022, just one week after Musk purchased twitter, the center for countering digital hate —an online civil rights group— found that racial slurs against black people had increased three times the year’s average, with homophobic and transphobic epithets also seeing a significant uptick [made-up b.s.], according to the associated press. more than a year later, Musk made headlines once again for tweeting racist dog whistles [b.s.] in a potential attempt to ‘woo’ a recently fired Tucker Carlson. but, his new shift into sharing tech-bro-friendly bigotry carries its own unique set of consequences.

[To reds, any criticism of their pets constitutes “slurs,” “epithets,” etc. What do they not consider “hate”? Expressions of unquestioning praise and support.]

“Garrison also talks to dr. Sasha Gusev, a statistical geneticist and associate professor at Harvard medical school, who points out that because this racism is seemingly backed by scientific fact, people often lack the language [translation: the lies] to call out its problematic nature. ‘there’s a kind of fusion between old-school gutter racism that everyone can recognize and this new-school silicon valley, data-driven analysis. and I think that this is very confusing to people,’ said Gusev. ‘they don’t know what to do with it. they say, ‘hey, there’s this thing that I recognize as ugly, and then there’s somebody posting a hundred charts that seem to support it.’”

x, and before it, twitter, has a long-held reputation for being a breeding ground for White supremacy.” [That’s a completely fictional, racist blood libel.]

“Elon Musk is spreading centuries-old racist pseudo-science”

In 1981, a communist pseudo-scientist named Stephen Jay Gould published a fraudulent work called The Mismeasure of Man. Gould denied, using specious arguments and outright lies, that psychometrics (mental testing, aka IQ testing) was a legitimate science. He called it “scientific racism.” Apparently, current reds seek to confuse people by referring to it as “race science.”

Gould asserted, among other things, that early mental science was primitive, and that modern mental science was necessarily also invalid, because of the earlier, primitive version, a position which would invalidate all science, since it all came from primitive thinking thousands of years ago.

Gould also asserted that the study of skulls, which showed that the contents of europeans held more volume than those of africans (“centuries-old racist pseudo-science”), had been disproven by replication of the tests. Many years later, when the museum of natural history re-tested the skulls, its scientists determined that the “centuries-old racist pseudo-science” was true.

Charitable critics suggested that Gould suffered from “confirmation bias,” but the truth was that he was simply a liar.

For generations since Gould and his comrades (Leon Kamin, Steven Rose, et al.) popularized their lies, their followers have shrieked, over and over, that the knowledge of psychometrics “has been debunked!” It has never been debunked, and shrieking lies countless times and terrorizing critics will not make them true. But they will help intimidate people out of countering the lies.

“Scientist Arthur Jensen’s Smackdown of Communist, Scientific Hoaxer Stephen Jay Gould”

“racist pseudo-science is making a comeback thanks to Elon Musk.”

N.S.: The only racist pseudo-science I’m familiar with is the stuff that the antiversity and fake news churns out daily.


Anonymous said...

Garbage not worthy of your time and effort. Once they start spouting nonsense like "homophobic and transphobic," the jig is up. Homosexuality was universally despised and ridiculed till the (Communist-driven) revolution of the 60s (which also funded black, feminist, Chicano militancy), and was listed as a mental illness by the Psychiatric Association till it was changed by coercion and threats of violence. Transgenderism wasn't even on the radar till only a few years ago, when the billionaire Pritzker turned it into a social phenomenon (what money can buy!).

Lumping racial differences in with outright mental illness is truly obscene. And as for "racism" itself (a term which may have been invented by the Communists to sow dissension), people learn from what they see around them, not from Twitter or pseudo-scientific journalism.


Anonymous said...

What the liberals do not want to acknowledge publicly about black IQ inferiority(plus their violence superiority--they go hand in hand)--is,what the hell would the country/world do about it,if that premise was confirmed by medical groups? Researchers "in the know" cannot state out loud what has been whispered in a few books(then quickly slammed by the press and other gutless liberal types)for one reason:society couldn't handle the repercussions.

Imagine a statement from the AMA saying,"After decades of attempting to hide the truth,our group has decided to be candid about the negro population:Most blacks are inferior,mentally,by a range of 30-70 IQ points.Not surprisingly,a lack of brain development also explains a highly violent racial personality."

Can you imagine the response? If you thought the floyd riots
were explosive...

So these "scientists and "doctors" lie and say that blacks are intelligent,trustworthy,empathetic,non-violent--just as civilized as Whites--to avoid the alternative of having to cope with the after-shocks--which would be 50 on the Richter Scale.