Tuesday, March 07, 2023

White kids are physically attacked at school, but congoids demand action

By "W"
tue, mar 7, 2023 1:42 p.m.

White kids are physically attacked at school, but congoids demand action

when nasty words are allegedly said to them. Whites need to get over the integration fantasy and demand that schools be re-segregated for safety and creating a learning environment


N.S.: Integration was always an evil, racist and classist strategy by upper-class Whites and black supremacists, to destroy the lives of working-class, and then middle-class Whites.


Anonymous said...

Integrate the schools,integrate the neighborhood.America gone.


Anonymous said...

The idea was that the negro kids would take full advantage of being integrated in the schools with the whitey kids and become educated and responsible citizens, well adjusted. That was the idea but it has never materialized.

The colored kids all have huge chip-on-shoulder and make trouble constantly for the whitey. Schools that once were very good to excellent deteriorate when blacks not even really a huge percentage of the school population. 20 % of the schoolkids colored and you seem to have all the time problem.

A noble experiment such as was prohibition has failed.

Anonymous said...

Dear old Ike ought to be in the Hall of Infamy as one of the worst presidents ever: not only did he take the side of the Communists in the McCarthy persecution, he forced integration of the schools on Americans who refused it- at gunpoint, no less! (I wonder who he was taking HIS orders from?)

Anonymous said...


black,obese,female "teacher coordinator" on "Wheel of Fortune" had this puzzle up:

I N T E R N A T I _N A L

_ A T E


One vowel and one consonant,between her and $6500.

She spins,Pat Sajak asks for a letter--she chooses...

A "G".


The negress hesitated--and I thought she was going to choose an "H"--but this "educated black" could NOT get this puzzle which was 99% filled in.

A classic.