Thursday, March 30, 2023

Kevin Bacon=Nick Nolte?

Nick Nolte’s notorious 2002 dui mug shot: about “roofie,” the date rape drug he was on at the time: “I’ve been taking it for years, but nobody ever raped me.” That is one of Nolte’s most notorious and hilarious lines, yet it has been purged from the internet. Meanwhile, the Web is awash with vacuous statements from him: “If I’m not a successful human being, who I am?”

[“Katy Tur & msnbc: whenever someone shoots a child, republicans are guilty.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, march 30, 2023 at 12:25:00 a.m. edt

This looked like an entertainment post to some degree, so a quick observation about Kevin Bacon, who was on “Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show for the Braindead,” wednesday.

One of the hilarious things about people as they get older, is that some of them start to look like other people—some famous, some not.

Kevin Bacon is starting to morph into Nick Nolte, when Nolte was in his late 50s or early 60s.

I had to do a double-take. If the change in his features progresses, he should have the same look Nolte had—in his famous mugshot—in about 3 years.


Kevin Bacon


Anonymous said...

These actors lead the high life for a while, then their career goes kaput and they go kaput.

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you,I looked up Nolte today and a story about his 2021 movie shows a clean shaven 80 year old,looking pretty chipper.Before that,he had a David Letterman style beard,but sans the face hair,he appeared 15 years younger.

Good for him.He was a very good actor.He and Bruce Willis got a few of my movie bucks for quite a while--as did Nicholson,Woody Allen,Bill Murray,Chevy Chase("Fletch" was great),Nicholas Cage and Ahhhnold.