Friday, March 31, 2023

the perfect snack for elected officials!

By R.C.
fri, mar 31, 2023 9:55 a.m.

the perfect snack for elected officials!


Anonymous said...

I thought it was arsenic(not a threat).


Anonymous said...

I read that fig newtons also stop stool eating--and it worked for our dog. Don't know how they will work for elected officials.

Anonymous said...

I was going to something along similar lines as to the favorite food as recommended for the ruling class. What a disgusting habit. Women are in the habit of kissing on the lips their pet dog on the mouth. Remember the dog licks it's own butt hole. So when you kiss the dog on the lips it is the same as kissing the dog's you-know-what.

Anonymous said...

The dog knows that.When his mistress gives him a kiss on the mouth,the dog smiles widely,knowing EXACTLY what is being transferred--by him,to HER mouth--yesterday's


Anonymous said...

Not all dogs are capable of reaching their buttholes--our dog just licks his dick. In any case, relax about the kisses--when dogs live closely with humans, both species share common butt bacteria. Whether it is case of the dog's bacteria colonizing human colons or human bacteria colonizing the dog, they soon share the same colon bacteria. One big advantage of growing up in close proximity with a dog and his germs is that children of these households tend to have fewer bad allergies than kids growing up in squeaky clean houses. One theory is that without germs for the immune system to fight, the body ends up fighting itself--autoimmune disease. I suggest that kissing other humans is a more dangerous source of disease. Sometimes when I sleep I snore with my mouth open--and sometimes I suddenly wake up with something cold in my mouth--the dog's nose. I'm still alive. And yes, the dog and my wife do kiss each other a lot, but I love them both.