Wednesday, March 29, 2023

black japanese [sic] student segregated during his graduation ceremony for wearing cornrows

By R.C.
wed, mar 29, 2023 10:08 p.m.

black japanese student segregated during his graduation ceremony for wearing cornrows He ain't japanese.

And Elizabeth Warren ain't White, either.


Anonymous said...

What do you get when you combine a Jap and a negro?

A nigook.

Nice of yahoo to worry about this pressing topic and bring it to the world's attention--NOT!


Anonymous said...

They should be happy he's graduating -- hard to see how Japan, a society with one of the highest average IQs, could possibly benefit from the presence of Blacks, who represent, on average, the lowest quality human capital on the planet.


Happened to see this:

Another white female who explicitly adopted non-white kids -- her husband is a cuck of course.

Adoption is a zero sum undertaking: if a couple adopts a non-white child, a white child is not adopted -- there are simply too few couples willing to adopt.

It's a psychological sickness among Whites produced by decades of intense anti-racism propaganda aimed specifically at Whites, which established an incentive structure to control behavior, especially among prominent, public people.

Off the top of my head, other obvious examples are Charlize Theron and Sandra Bullock.

Anonymous said...

Correct he is a Japanese student, but he is not Japanese in Japan. They say there is protruding nails being hammered.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
China and Brazil ink a deal to use the Yuan and bypass the petro dollar:|23590218|Brazil%20Inks%20Deal%20to%20Use%20Yuan%2C%20Not%20Dollar%2C%20in%20Trade%20with%20China|

How long before other countries follow suit and help with China's ascent to becoming the dominant world economic power?

The big banks aren't going to be too happy about this but levering a President like Trump out of office and replacing him with a doddering old fool like Biden didn't help things.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Protruding nails are being hammered. Being born does not necessarily make one a horse.

Anonymous said...

Japanese high schools have hairstyle guidelines and illustrations of what is acceptable. It goes with the territory. If you don't like it, go live in NYC with your black father.

Anonymous said...

"Being born in a barn does not necessarily make one a horse."