Tuesday, March 28, 2023

mother of nashville Christian school shooter appeared to be gun control advocate, shooting victims identified

By A Texas Reader
tue, mar 28, 2023 10:15 p.m.

mother of nashville Christian school shooter appeared to be gun control advocate, shooting victims identified



Anonymous said...

They showed pictures of the daughter not too long ago and she looked feminine and smiling.Beautiful hair,glasses.Now that she identified as a male,she was sullen,angry,very unhappy.

She had "mental issues" and was being treated for them--unsuccessfully.

Years ago,she looked happy in her skin.

What happened?


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
LGBTQ programming is what happened, it teaches that you must be depressed, miserable and most of all "A VICTIM" of something. Since she's White her options are limited but she is a bio woman and doing the trans thing gave her some kind of warped identity, but it only made her issues worse and resulted in homicidal acting out. My armchair analysis, for what it's worth. But better and more accurate than anything that will come out of Wokeland.

Anonymous said...

The had six firearms in the house. Some gun control advocacy.

Anonymous said...

I once was acquainted to a young girl from India. I suspect the school's pro LTBTQ propaganda convinced her she was a lesbian--or should be. She talked about having a girlfriend and was cutting slits on her arm with a razor blade. I think the parents tried mental health doctors of some sort to no avail. Finally they took her to India for a week long religious ceremony to heal her. It seems to have worked because I heard no more about her cutting herself with razor blades. And the last thing I heard was that she had a boyfriend. In my opinion, teaching children that they should try to be something they naturally are not is NOT the path to a happy, well-adjusted person. And it is a crime to mutilate children--something money-hungry doctors like--29 medical societies endorse it. Many adult trans people later regret having operations to attempt to change sex. Imagine the young woman who has her breasts removed and later realizes that she really is a woman and longs to have a baby to nurse on her breasts--as nature intended. That is a tragedy for the young woman and doctors are monsters for doing such things.

Anonymous said...

The doctors who okay surgery of that type are the same ones who have a fit when a patient who wasn't vaxxed,wants treatment of some illness or accident.

Go figure.It's part of the mass insanity in our country.
