Tuesday, March 07, 2023

evil, treacherous republicans cancel buckhead's attempt to leave hatelanta jurisdiction

By "W"
tue, mar 7, 2023 4:23 p.m.

evil, treacherous republicans cancel buckhead's attempt to leave hatelanta jurisdiction


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Them's the Georgia GOP hustle, for sure, a red state Potemkin. Talk up law and order and send some $ to the county sheriffs but dodge the real issue behind Buckhexit. They're focused on education savings accounts but buy off the public school too. Bring money back home to hopeless downtowns' revitalization. Nibble at the edges of the income tax rate and send out one-time rebates in Kemp's name. Do just enough to keep the pro-lifers happy. Make it look like you care about voter fraud without upsetting Raffensperger's electoral system alchemy. Keep Kemp (with his shiny new WEF stamp of approval) viable to be Pence's VP pick. And let the Lt. Gov. have a free pass on abruptly hitting the Off switch on his campaign persona's MAGA-talk. Pretend you didn't lockdown for covid even though you couldn't find a fast food joint dining room to eat and relax in the middle of driving 350 miles on I-75.