Wednesday, March 01, 2023

more on the destruction of portland, oregon

By "W"
wed, mar 1, 2023 1:14 p.m.

more on the destruction of portland, oregon

actions, or the lack thereof, often have bad consequences


Anonymous said...

>actions, or the lack thereof, often have bad consequences

You don't say!?

Specific 'actions' by specific people I imagine, perhaps even over a somewhat lengthy period of time.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Just took a stroll downtown for lunch, something I haven't done for a few weeks due to weather. I counted around 6 more businesses closed or closing up in that space of time. I stopped into a rug shop run by a Persian fellow and when I asked why he was closing he went on a rant about how the homeless were driving customers away and the city didn't give a damn about small business owners like him, they cared more about serving the homeless than people like him. He's right, our lesbian guv Tina Kotek declared a "homeless state of emergency" and is asking for a couple hundred million (on top of lord knows how many millions already) to "fight" the problem. It's just going to be more social service programs designed to make life easy for them on the streets, won't help the hard working little guy trying to make ends meet. If she had said cities should start enforcing no camping ordinances and then use that money to stimulate downtown cores to help small businesses, then I'd say she's doing something.

Anonymous said...

Whites can run,but the blacks can sniff out where their meal ticket--Whitey--is hiding and eventually follow them there.

The neverending chase continues,ever since White flight began in the 60s.


Anonymous said...

"Whites can run, but the blacks can sniff out where their meal ticket--Whitey--is hiding and eventually follow them there."

Always better where whitey is.