Wednesday, March 01, 2023

the end of free speech in ireland, if they ever actually had free speech, that is

By Jerry PDX
tuesday, february 28, 2023 at 5:55:00 p.m. est

The end of free speech in ireland, if they ever actually had free speech, that is:

the department of justice published the incitement to violence or hatred and hate offences bill 2022 on friday evening. critics are accusing the bill of being “overly broad”:

The first article is from irish indymedia. For those not familiar with it, indymedia is supposed to be “media independent from corporate-controlled news,” and it arose after the 1999 Seattle WTO protests, a protest I actually agreed with, because it was a statement against the globalist agenda, but as usual, it got hijacked by leftists who scrubbed out the anti-globalist elements and replaced them with their identity politics agenda. It was really quite clever. Now any argument against globalism is the equivalent of being a racist.

Unfortunately, indymedia is dying off, while it is primarily operated and read by people with a leftist ideology, people on the far right would often jump in and argue. The articles were wide-ranging and, at times, addressed the issue of out-of-control globalism. Comment fields were free wheeling and usually uncensored, though at times you’d tweak some behind-the- scenes wokester, and they’d send your comment to the dustbin (you could still read it, just wasn’t on the top page). Still, you could say things there you simply couldn’t say anywhere else and get some lively debates going. However, the people that run indymedia locations are losing interest. It’s all volunteer, and people have just lost the drive to show up and do the work. portland indymedia is now defunct and when you go to the national page with a list of locations, most are now broken links. ireland’s is one of the few that is still active, and I spotted the article there. I think it’s worth a read.


Anonymous said...

Yeah,but after a few drinks,who can stop the micks from giving their opinions?


Anonymous said...

That entire concept of "free speech" an American import not having a whole lot validity in the rest of the world.