Wednesday, March 01, 2023

a torchlight parade for two scandinavian females beheaded in morocco

By A Colleague
wed, mar 1, 2023 3:32 p.m.

a torchlight parade for two females beheaded in morocco

one of their killers has committed suicide. beheading for Muhammed. but the stupid norwegians and swedes won't kick out the dusky muzzies from their own countries. pathetic.

I once knew a woman in Washington who worked for the State Department back in the 1980s. She and a girlfriend went to Morocco for a week or so on an exotic vacation. She and her friend survived, but told me it was a horrible trip. They were warned to not to leave the hotel after dark for ANY reason, or even to eat dinner together without a male chaperone in the hotel. During the day, went they attempted to go shopping, they were followed and leered at constantly by suspicious men, and spent nearly all their time there in fear.


Anonymous said...

That wasn't Anita Ekberg and Dorothy Lamour was it?

"The Road to Morocco" is paved with blood from Muslims beheading White people.

Bob Hope:Hey Bing,have you seen the girls?

Bing Crosby:Yeah,master Hope,I think I see parts of them here and parts of them there.

Bob Hope:Damn towelheads,they were sweet dames--and both of them in love with ME.

Bing:I b-b-beg to differ master B-B-Bob,b-b-both of them told me I was the one.

Bob:You wouldn't be stuttering,if they did to you,what they did to me last night--you'd be CURED!

Bing:Bob,I just pretend to stutter--it's the character I play--listen:I will bloviate that the best burgers at any baseball park are in Brooklyn.

Bob:(talking to himself)Bloviate--I'll have to look that one up.Maybe it's something Ekberg did to him last night.

Bing:Bloviate...NOT oral sex,B-B-ob.

Bob:I knew that...

(Hundreds of Muslims surround the great Hope and Crosby.)

Bob:Shall we?

Both:Patty cake,patty cake.
Baker's man
Mohammed is nothing,
But a SCAM

(Fight to the death ensues)

(Minutes later)
Bob:How'd we get out of that one?

Bing:I have no idea--and look--the girls are all back in one piece.

Bob:Only in Hollywood,can you have a happy ending like the one we just had in this movie.

Bill Clinton(cameo):And Lolita Island!

Bing:Not the same meaning,Bill.

Bob:Come on girls,we have another road picture to do--it's all about the four of us traveling into the deepest recesses of Africa.

Dorothy:What's it called?

Bob:The Road to Chicongo.




Anonymous said...

These whitey females go to these places all the while knowing how dangerous they are.

Sorta like mudsharks USA that "take up" with negro men and then get killed by the "boyfriend".

It is as if they asking for it.

Anonymous said...

At least being in the Middle East you can say they're NEAR the Nile,but White women here--going with blacks--are IN denial,if they think they're safe.

Really,what it's about,is drugs.I don't think many White women go with blacks unless they're drug addicts.