Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Killing Jews Brings light into the hearts of "palestinians"

By N.S.



Anonymous said...

SOME people enjoy eating a good steak or watching a baseball game or having some delicious ice cream,but with Palestinians...it's killing Jews--an inherited taste--after all these centuries.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Palestinians are one of the most religiously homogenous ethnic groups on earth. 93% are Muslims of the Sunni sect. Here is a summary of jihadi philosophy:

"ihadists see violent struggle as necessary to eradicate obstacles to restoring God's rule on Earth and defending the Muslim community".

Against the backdrop of early Islamic anti-colonial movements, the Sunni Indian-Pakistani jurist Abu Ala Mawdudi (1903-79) sharpened the definition of jihad as a movement of liberation throughout the world to allow Islam to reign supreme and furnish justice for all. Mawdudi wrote:

Islam requires the earth—not just a portion, but the whole planet—not because the sovereignty over the earth should be wrested from one nation or several nations and vested in one particular nation, but because the entire mankind should benefit from the ideology and welfare programme or what would be truer to say from ‘Islam’ which is the programme of well-being for all humanity. Towards this end, Islam wishes to press into service all forces which can bring about a revolution and a composite term for the use of all these forces is ‘Jihad’.

This is the writings of a Pakistani Indian Muslim but I think he sums up the Muslim philosophy of jihad quite well. This also the era of British colonialism in India which puts it in the context of the Indians being colonial victims. A PC analysis of the crusades as an anti Muslim movement can portray Islam the same way but modern history forgets the long history of Muslim invasions into Europe trying to forcibly expand their religion with force. It happened farther back so can be conveniently ignored but reality is, Islam has it's own history of imperialism and colonialism, something that needs to be understood when Muzzies get on their moral high horses about Western colonialism. Not to mention they are the religion of the most prolific slavers in history, the arabs.

Being at a military disadvantage to the West, the muslims now want to expand using the "womb" and will out birth Westerners in their own homelands. Insane, idiotic traitors are welcoming them with open arms. Muslims are expected to increase their population by 70% by the year 2060: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_population_growth

Anonymous said...

Is the (cult)religion of Islam admired/preferred by these governments over Christianity or Judaism?

To allow this intransigent,murderous philosophy into a country can be a choice only a follower of Islam or an insane person would make.

Like the Mex,here in the United States,they will grow their population like dandelions,and when there's enough Muslims in the country to enable them to vote Muslims into office(with help from stupid Whites),THEN the fun starts(not if you're White though).

Anonymous said...

What exactly is the conflict between the Arab and the jew in Israel going to end in the answer is I think everybody understands never