Thursday, February 23, 2023

This Day in History (Video)

Re-posted by N.S.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


February 23rd,2023:blacks will shoot and kill a number of people of different races.They'll also stab them,burn them and mutilate them.

February 23,2022:blacks shot and killed a number of people.They also stabbed,burned and mutilated them.

February 23,2021:blacks shot and killed a number of people.They also stabbed,burned and mutilated them.

February 23,2020:blacks shot and killed a number of people.They also stabbed,burned and mutilated them.

February 23,2019:blacks shot and killed a number of people.They also stabbed,burned and mutilated them.

February 23,2018:blacks shot and killed a number of people.They also stabbed,burned and mutilated them.
