-----Original Message-----
From: PeterSweden <petersweden@substack.com>
To: add1dda@aol.com
fri, dec 16, 2022 3:19 p.m.
From: PeterSweden <petersweden@substack.com>
To: add1dda@aol.com
fri, dec 16, 2022 3:19 p.m.
this new climate change rule is extremely Orwellian
This new climate change rule is extremely Orwellian.

Remember when people were called "conspiracy theorists" for warning that climate lockdowns would be the next step? Well, just have a look at this new extremely draconian rule in Britain that sounds like something straight out of 1984. They will be dividing the city of Oxford into six different zones, and people will only be given a limited number of times that they will be allowed to cross between the zones in their car. They will monitor you.All residents will be forced to register their car with the council. Number plate recognition cameras set up in the city will MONITOR how many times you leave your zone. In fact, private cars will be banned altogether from crossing between the zones unless you buy a permit which will allow you a maximum of 100 crossings per year! Oh, how generous. Those without a permit or if you drive between the zones after having reached your limit of 100 crossings, you will be fined £70 per crossing. This is all being done in the name of climate change, aiming to stop people to take "unnecessary" journeys and force people to walk or take the bus instead. You know who else made private car ownership almost impossible and forced people to take public transport? The Soviet Union. This isn't about saving the planet. This is a Communist idea at its core. The state will decide where and how and when you can travel. These dictators think they can just force tyranny down the throats of the people, with a country council travel chief saying the plan "would go ahead whether people liked it or not". Ah, you will be banned from traveling and you will be happy – Whether you like it or not! These climate zones will turn Oxford into a "15-minute city", with the plan being to force people to walk in order to access local shops and services. WAIT JUST A MINUTE!Did you see that, the "15-minute city" thing? I am going to let you guess where that idea comes from… It comes from none other than the World Economic Forum. They literally talked about this in their Sustainable Development Summit 2021. We have an unelected elite pushing their climate goals and Orwellian agenda, and local cities and council are working with them to implement their policies on the public – Against their will. Pushback.Now the council has received angry emails and phone calls from locals outraged at what is essentially a form of climate lockdown. They don't want to have to pay fines just to be allowed to move around their neighborhood. Of course, the mainstream media has jumped on this, claiming that officials have suffered "extreme abuse". Threats and abuse is never acceptable. It is interesting to see the media narrative here, where they are using this in order to attack those who are opposed to this draconian rule. Some people may have sent mean messages, therefore no-one is allowed to oppose this tyranny! Naturally the "fact checkers" have chimed in as well, claiming that this is definitely not a climate lockdown. Because, you see, they are only restricting cars from driving between zones. People can still walk! And there is no physical barriers stopping people from driving, only cameras that read your numberplate and you then get sent a £70 fine in the post. No climate lockdown here at all! So no physical barriers, only cameras watching you and sending you fines. Then it is all fine! But this isn't the first draconian thing.They also had a trial in Britain of what sounded a lot like a social credit score. People would have an app on their phone tracking their location and people would be given points if they were environmentally friendly and took the bus instead of driving. We are already seeing several countries in Europe introducing climate lockdowns, limiting indoor temperatures, and in Italy they even ban people from heating their homes at night! I should know, because I was recently there and experienced it first hand. Are you realizing what is happening yet?The covid lockdowns were just the beginning. As I have warned before, the next steps will be climate lockdowns and we can already see them working hard to accomplish this. As you probably know, in the Netherlands they are going to force farmers to sell their land to the state and shut down their farms – All in order to meet the 2030 climate goals. It won't just be climate lockdowns. Central bank digital currency is just around the corner and it will be tied to your digital ID. Social credit scores won't be far behind and then you can imagine how easy it will be to shut down dissidents. We have already seen how companies like PayPal have banned people for their political opinions, imagine when the government does it with their digital currency. Global Tyranny is a bigger threat than Global Warming. I again want to thank everyone of you who is a paid subscriber, your support really means a lot and allows me to be able to write important articles like this. If you aren't already a paid subscriber, please consider becoming one - I need your help to be able to report on what the mainstream media is ignoring! I was recently canceled and kicked out of a jobs training course because of my political opinions, so your support is all the more important - Thank you :) |
I was reading this and on my local news,negro Brie Jackson from nbc,popped in with a 3 minute report,complaining about blacks being disproportionately affected by climate change(I joked about this exact subject with my mention of "weather reparations" today,but she was SERIOUS)and Jackson complained even more,in horror,that Whites are 59.1% of the people hired to combat climate change and effect policy.
Seems to me that 59.1% is about right--based on demographics.Of course the blacks want ALL nigs(and spicanos want all spicanos)to be hired in jobs they know nothing about--and never will--with Whites being reduced to AA hires from this point forward.
That appears to be the black solution to "racist" climate change--which,in actuality--doesn't even exist.
Weather forecast for Grand Rapids:2 feet of snow from now until next Friday,temps in the teens and 20s.
Tell me another whopper nbc.
Americans taking a vacation in Holland always used to talk about what a quaint place it is how everybody rides bicycles that is what we will be doing in about 30 to 40 years if not much sooner
Chairman Mao also approve Chinese people do not need automobiles they can use buses and trains or walk
Since blacks and Spanish speakers live in countries that are warm as compared to ice people Whitey who lives in cold climates you would think that it would be preferable to have ice people in charge of things rather than some people
You Can Count upon the ice people to know what to do when it gets cold they have a lot of experience in that area
Professor Jeffries and his ice people sun people theories. Hakeem Jeffries is a relative of Professor Jeffries and is now Democratic leader in the house who will be speaker of the house if the Democrats take the House of Representatives over again
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