Friday, December 16, 2022

Video of the Pat Buchanan vs. Michael Eric Dyson Fight at Madison Square Garden, in Which Pat Scored a First-Round KO!

[Previously: “Watch as black supremacist Michael Dyson ‘debates’ Jordan Peterson on ‘White privilege’ (video).”]

By Jerry PDX

friday, december 16, 2022 at 2:10:00 p.m. est

I think I found the debate between Dyson and Buchanan on youtube. It didn’t show up with keywords on the top level search but I found it by scrolling down a ways.

Yup, Dyson’s m.o. never changes. He can’t wait to start with the 300 years of oppression b.s., and stories of black men being shot by police but when Buchanan points out the wildly skewed amount of black-on-White crime Dyson tries to blame the White man, and shifts the subject. Buchanan was right on the money when he pointed out the black community needs to start taking responsibility for itself and stop blaming White people, but Dyson is too racist to accept that.

I was impressed with the way an older man like Buchanan could shout it out with a younger one, he didn’t back down one iota and gave as good as he got. His voice might be a little shaky at his age, but the mind is still sharp and he’s a fighter who won’t let a racist bully like Dyson intimidate him.


Anonymous said...

Mike "Tyson" Dyson wouldn't like it if all Whites were honest about race--he couldn't handle the honesty-- when Buchanan ripped him a new one nonstop.It's because of black slanted social media's(and regular media) kneejerk responses to honest talk by Whites,which ends up in job termination--or worse--for Whites,that eliminates the desire BY Whites to be "honest."

Now this was probably in 2009 and these are different times today.The blacks like Tyson-Dyson don't want honesty from Whites anymore--they want capitulation and surrender to blacks.

In many areas of the country,this is exactly what they got.


Anonymous said...

That Is what Negroes can do when they debate white persons talk real loud and attempt to shout over you and dominate the conversation not so much with ideas and rational thought but just with a lot of loud noise

Meaningless gibber-jabber without rationality

Dyson needs to go and invent some new vacuum machines

Anonymous said...

Tyson/Dyson brings up Jesse Jackson as an example of virtue.Jackson had at least one illegitimate kid(probably more)and Jackson's wife put up with it--like mlk's wife.

Does Tyson/Dyson cheat on HIS wife like his heroes?A fast talking nig*er is almost 99.9% a con man.


Anonymous said...

Trump attempted to be "honest" about Charlottesville and you still hear the liberal/black attacks against him.When blacks say,"let's talk honestly about race,"it's to get a White to make his opinion known so that the SJWs can then rip him apart
and have him fired or banished from the life he had.


Anonymous said...

Dyson has been waiting 400 years to speak of 300 years of Oppression