Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Classic, Animated, Musical CBS Christmas Message, Designed by R.O. Blechman, and Shown for Years (1966)

[Of related interest, at WEJB/NSU:

“Merry Christmas 2017! Come on over, and Help Me Fight Off the Grinch, While Listening to the Eighth Annual WEJB/NSU Christmas Concert!”]

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

[Originally posted at WEJB/NSU on Christmas Day, 2014]

I am overjoyed that InklingStudio has posted this Christmas message to youtube. When I was a boy, CBS aired this message every year. It must have run for at least ten years. Maybe they’ll bring it out of storage, and run it again. One can always hope. But until then, we’ve got youtube!

Uploaded on Dec 24, 2006 by InklingStudio.

Can you believe that there once was a time when network television aired classy holiday interstitials like this?

Designed by R.O. Blechman and animated by Willis Pyle. Beautiful, hand-drawn pen & ink drawings. Music arranged by Arnie Black.


Anonymous said...

Yes,I would have guessed 1965 or 1966.There's something about the mid 60s style that is a giveaway as to its year created--that goes for animation,movies,music or TV.

Innocent,yet advancing--but not too far(yet).

Anonymous said...

The artist is STILL around--at 92.He has his own website.