Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Primate Watch Baltimore: Dusky Teen Violinist Allegedly Murdered by black Cop Stepfather

By "W"
Wed, Jul 14, 2021 6:27 a.m.

Primate Watch Baltimore: Dusky Teen Violinist Allegedly Murdered by black Cop Stepfather

In the spirit of Edgar Allan Poe, the young victim was buried in a wall:

N.S.: This is so heart-breaking. This case is even more twisted than the “usual” child custody murder. First off, the vic was grown. He looked like a college kid, may he rest in peace. Second, he was a step-kid. His alleged killer, if guilty, clearly didn’t love him, but just sought to cause his ex pain.

And the kid devoted himself to making beautiful sounds.

If the stepfather is the perp, he acted knowing that in Maryland, justice would never be meted out to him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(NBC-Washington)Police responded to(the father) Banks’ home in the Curtis Bay neighborhood on Tuesday to investigate a complaint that Jones was being held against his will. At first, Banks told police Jones wasn’t there and had left his packed bags at the back door. After Banks gave police permission to search the home, officers saw a hole in the wall with a cover and Banks said it was his gun safe. Officers looked inside and saw a body, according to charging documents.

Banks was arrested and after he was handcuffed he asked to kiss his kids and have his handcuffs adjusted, then made “a clear attempt to disarm” an officer, trying to take her handgun from its holster, the officer wrote.

“Mr. Banks stated multiple times ‘you’re gonna have to end this’ as we were wrestling over the firearm,” the officer wrote. Banks was charged with assault, resisting arrest and other offenses.

At a bail hearing Thursday, Banks’ attorney asked for his client to be released to home confinement, but the judge denied bond, saying he poses a flight risk and a potential harm to himself, his family and the community. He is being held in protective custody as a potential suicide risk, officials said.

Baltimore Police Commissioner Michael Harrison said Banks’ police powers were already suspended based on a previous incident and he was suspended without pay after he was charged with a felony. Police did not say what the previous incident was.

Banks’ wife had complained of stalking and “emotional and mental abuse” last month in a petition for a protective order from him and sought custody of their two sons and the 15-year-old. The petition was denied.

GRA:The black guy was nuts--or just a typical black?Why the sympathy?We know very little about the vic,Jones,who is receiving the usual saintly kudos--post death--but what else do we know about him--nothing.

The REAL bad news is we're going to have to support another black felon in prison for 30 years.The death penalty would be appropriate here it seems.