By An Old Friend
Wed, Jul 28, 2021 10:45 p.m.
The Wages of American Students' Ninny-Ism [Brief]
Feelings are everything ...
Why should we care how how the Capitol Police or members of Congress felt on January 6th?
Their therapists should care. Their families and friends should care. But I can't figure out why the rest of us should – at least, not in the legal, investigative sense of trying to find out what really happened on January 6th and why.
And yet that was certainly one of the major elements of yesterday's testimony in the Congressional hearings on the matter. Of course, we know that the hearings aren't really to investigate; they are political theater produced and directed by the Democrats, and the reviews are from their friends in the msm. But I'm speaking on behalf of the public, and I even mean the Democrat-voting public: why should we care how they felt? It's irrelevant, although obviously it's a deliberate way to appeal to people's emotions and empathy rather than to their logic and judgment.
A person can be part of an event and have a lot of feelings. It doesn't mean that, in retrospect, those feelings are valid in terms of being an accurate reflection of what was happening that day in the objective sense. But we care less and less and less these days about the objective sense, and when I say "these days" I mean the phenomenon began at least thirty years ago and probably closer to fifty.
I've previously described an incident in my life when I recognized this. It happened in the early 90s, when I had gone back to school and was taking one undergraduate course in addition to my graduate courses. I was twenty years or so older than the other students, and we were discussing an incident at the school in which some female students had been offended by something a professor had said, and accused him of sexual inappropriateness. He had been suspended and the case was awaiting adjudication, but I was stunned to learn that all the people in the class who spoke on the matter believed that the students' perceptions of harassment were all that mattered. No objective standard needed to be applied. It was enough that something he said made them uncomfortable.
His words, however, were not anything that most human beings would find the least bit objectionable. I thought he was being railroaded, and I thought the women who had objected needed professional help to get them to understand that the world didn't revolve around their perceptions and their needs. When I stood up to say my piece in class I didn't say it that harshly, but I pointed out that just because a person has a feeling about an incident doesn't make that feeling objectively true, and that legal matters need to proceed using objective standards that are reasonable.
My words were met with silence and a shrug or two. That was it. Then the class moved on to the next person, who continued in the original vein as though I hadn't even spoken. It was at that point, thirty years ago, that I realized something had gone very very wrong. I hadn't been among college-age students for twenty years, but there had been some sort of vast sea change that I didn't understand at the time.
I think I've come to understand it in more recent years, and we're seeing it bear fruit now in so many ways.
Such as:
AOC says that she thought she was going to be raped on January 6.She was not in the Capitol building. She never encountered any rioters.Utterly shameless. [30-second video]
"AOC says that she thought she was going to be raped on January 6."
Why anyone pays any attention to that woman is beyond me.
Hell, who would even want to rape her?
(GRA:J.L.Curtis in Trading Places...mmmm mmmm.Not a man,baby.)
Halloween franchise star Jamie Lee Curtis, a loud gun control advocate, climate change activist, who backed Joe Biden in the 2020 election, told AARP Magazine she and Her husband, screenwriter Christopher Guest, “have watched in wonder and pride as our son became our daughter Ruby.”
“And she and her fiancé will get married next year at a wedding that I will officiate,” the Trading Places and Freaky Friday actress said of Ruby. Curtis and Guest share two children together, 34-year-old Annie, and 25-year-old Ruby — formerly known as Thomas.
Actress Jamie Lee Curtis and her son arrive for the premiere of Walt Disney Animation Studios’ ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ at the El Capitan Theatre on October 29, 2012 in Hollywood, California. (JOE KLAMAR/AFP via Getty Images)
Curtis, who supported Hillary Clinton 2016 and became Planned Parenthood said she’s constantly shedding old versions of herself, and letting go.
(GRA:One version was sane,the other--insane.)
But in the wake of her son now identifying as a female, perhaps one of the biggest so-called “old ideas” Curtis has recently shed is the biological reality that gender is fixed, reports AARP.
As media outlets and science-denying left-wing activists continue to hype transgenderism and guide children to doubt their biological sex, more young people are identifying as nonbinary.
Research published earlier this month by the Trevor Project found that over one in four — 26 percent — of LGBTQ youth identify as non-binary. An additional 20 percent said they are not sure or are questioning whether they identify as nonbinary.
GRA:Here's the secret:If you have to sit down to pee--you're a female.Otherwise,a male.
I "feel" my country is being destroyed from within. I "feel" it is so. So it must be.
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