July 30, 2021 at 1:05 am GMT • 2.4 hours ago • 300 Words ↑
This was deliberate arson, but I doubt the Navy as a whole is going to be effective much longer. There’s going to be a lot of things in the new ‘America’ that we used to take for granted that just straight up won’t work. Any complex organization that requires a bunch of steps be done in series, correctly, it just won’t work above a certain % of vibrants in the workforce.
Doing something like landing a plane on an aircraft carrier, or doing a surgery, or running a chemical plant, or whatever, require thousands of small steps, each of which by themselves is pretty straightforward, but have to be done correctly for the whole enterprise to succeed. People think that if White people (or Asians) who do these tasks 100% correctly are replaced with browns who do these tasks 97% correctly, hey, no big deal, we’ll just have 3% more failures. Not great, but not catastrophic for civilization.
Wrong! The success rate will be 0.97 * 0.97 * 0.97 * 0.97… out to the 100th power or the 1000th power: so essentially the success rate will be zero. One step stuff like picking a strawberry, sure, maybe you can survive with cheaper, crappier labor. All the other stuff in an advanced nation state? No.
One of the big problems in any organization is that management will look at any one task in a vacuum and see that if they hire semi-competent H1Bs or undocumented scabs or diversity hires they can do it 3% crappier for 20% cheaper, and they think that’s a good trade off. Then all of a sudden their organization can’t execute any longer, but there’s no one clear cause, just mass semi-incompetence, and they wonder what happened.
I won't go so far as to say 100% of White/Asian performed surgeries are successful,but whatever number is decided on,Dr.Jaquarious Jackson's rates are much less. Fortunately(so far),the lib medical colleges haven't pushed through hoards of unqualified minorities yet--but that will probably change as the pressure to graduate blacks into high paying jobs are increasing.
Solution?Don't see a doc named Jacquarious or Clitorious..
jerry pdx
Tucker Carlsen does an excellent job of pointing out how politicians are greedily hanging on to the social control mechanisms created in response to Covid: https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/07/29/fncs-carlson-now-they-have-the-vaccine-politicians-cant-part-with-the-enormous-unprecedented-levels-of-power-they-have-amassed/#comment-5474347140
He's absolutely right but there was a commenter named Joewillie12 (no doubt one of the many Wokesters who troll conservative sites because most the liberal ones have shut their comments down) who posted an impertinent comment (classic lib argument device) that I had to respond to. He didn't respond and I doubt that he will. Here they are:
Joewillie12 Lord_of_the_Sheeple • a day ago
He's not a good communicator unless you consider carnival barkers like Trump good communicators?
He's a pro wrestling ring announcer dumbing complex issues down to bite-size turds for mass consumption.
Stop eating poop.
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GerMart Joewillie12 • a day ago • edited
Maybe so, but Tucker's analysis compared to the simplistic pap spewed by the likes of Pelos, Fauci, Biden et al is like Shakespeare compared to Dick and Jane. Then there is the MSM and 5:00 news that feeds us a steady diet of condescending childish Woke ideology designed to enrich the globalists while making liberal feel good about their basic ignorance of real world issues.
BTW What exactly do you know about the "complex issues" anyways? What research papers have you written that qualify you to question Carlson's synthesis? Is he supposed to sit there and read 1,000 page long research papers? Of course he can't do that, somebody has to break it down for the layman and I trust Tucker more than some globalist tool.
Interestingly, Brietbart held my comment for moderation, but they did post it. Not sure what triggered their content moderation controls but at least they let it through.
jerry pdx
One of the great contradictions of the diversity agenda is the idea that we live in one interconnected world that must be multi racial/ethnic/nationality etc...
Problem with that is a basic ignorance about the genesis of diversity. It's something created by cultural and geographic isolation, people live for long periods of time in their own communities and develop unique cultures, languages and physical characteristics. But the diversity loons want to create a world diversutopia where that isolation is erased and we all mingle and meld together. You know, the "melting pot", one of their favorite catchphrases. What happens then is that we eventually all melt down to one color, one language and one universal cultural and national identity....actual true diversity is erased. So the diversity agenda is really an agenda of genocide against true diversity.
Hardly the first time this shit has happened. USS Miami the one worker set the submarine on fire so he would not have work on a certain day. The ship was a total loss. Half a billion $. During the Vietnam war some warships deliberately sabotaged by crew as to be not able to enter the war zone.
These east Indian computer programmers too. Claim to have all degrees and work for peanuts.
The degree consists of sitting down at a keyboard and being told how to code, OJT as you go. Not a degree as understood in USA.
Jerry,I know you and everyone else knows this,if it isn't race that is a separator,or the country one lives in,that causes disagreements between people,it's going to be religion--unless the globalists force everyone to allow Muslims to take over the planet(appears that's the religion of choice).
And religion will cause bigger wars than anything.
jerry pdx
Yes, religion is another whole can of worms, no melding there, Muslims will want to take over by force so we'll all be brown colored people reading the Koran. If they win the war that is. Big if.
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