By A Texas Reader
Sat, Jul 24, 2021 10:18 p.m.
Memorial to Mark What Would Have been Emmett Till’s 80th Birthday; Chicago Teen was Lynched in 1955
“His mother, Mamie Till-Mobley, insisted on an open casket funeral so that people would have to confront the brutality of racism. Photos from the funeral were seen by newspaper and magazine readers across the country.”
CHICAGO - If Emmett Till had not been lynched in Mississippi, he might have been celebrating his 80th birthday this weekend.
Till, who was a Chicago native, was tortured and killed for allegedly offending a white woman in Money, Mississippi, in 1955. He was just 14-years-old.
His mother, Mamie Till-Mobley, insisted on an open casket funeral so that people would have to confront the brutality of racism. Photos from the funeral were seen by newspaper and magazine readers across the country.
Till was honored on Saturday by Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Chicago) at a ceremony at Burr Oak Cemetery in Alsip. Till's 80th birthday would have been Sunday, July 25, 2021.
In March, Rush introduced bipartisan legislation to award a posthumous Congressional Gold Medal to Emmett Till and his mother, Mamie Till-Mobley; companion legislation was introduced in the Senate by U.S. Senator Richard Burr (R-N.C.).
If he'd have kept accosting White women,he wouldn't have made it birthday number 15 or 16 anyways--let alone to 80.He had the typical nigro desire to break the law.But I suppose if he'd killed someone,been a mass murderer--or whatever the Emmett Tills of the world do,a lifetime sentence in prison MIGHT have allowed him to live this long--but I doubt it.
Till is a constant subject of news coverage. I guess the best you can say is that if this is all the negro have to complain about in over a sixty year period they just don't have a lot to complain about.
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