By N.S.
“Not counting the crimes, crime is down.” Grand Rapids Anonymous
Biles out or bails out...same thing.
NNN,which I'm fairly sure,has an eavesdropping device somewhere on(or in)Bile's body,reported Biles has 4 individual events upcoming,but that she has yet to decide whether or not she'll compete in them.
A miraculous recovery?Maybe she didn't want to contribute to the AMERICAN team winning a gold--an individual medal though,she may find the nerve to perform for again.
We'll see.
Cynthia McFadden ended the NNN show with nbc's statement that they basically forgave Biles by explaining "the pressure of being the best is sometimes too much to live up to"--which negro apologist,Mike Tirico so smoothly opined.
Tirico is nbc's (semi)black spokesman,I guess.
Just yesterday,nbc was crowing about "Biles being on a different level than everyone else."
True,many levels below the athletes who DON'T quit--for whatever reason(it just might be patriotism--or lack thereof).
jerry pdx
Former Commiefornia Senator Barbara Boxer is mugged in Oakland:
Happened a few hours after a news conference 5 blocks away about taking a tougher stance on crime in the city. I couldn't find a single news report that supplied a description of the perp. We know what that means but I like Anne Coulter and her take on it. She tweeted this:
Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter responded to Boxer’s mugging in a tweet: “Well, let’s just hope she was able to give a good suspect description to the responding social workers.”
Ha ha, gotta love Ann sometimes.
I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for Boxer, she's a little mixed bag on her immigration voting record but voted in favor of illegals getting social security and no on the English language being the official language of the government (so what do they want the official language to be? Arabic? Mandarin? Spanish? Swahili?) plus co sponsored the Dream Act. Always amusing to see a Dem get taken down by one of their own diversity crew.
"?Maybe she didn't want to contribute to the AMERICAN team winning a gold"
Deliberate and that is what I thought too.
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