Monday, July 26, 2021

How Much Money are Inside Stock Traders Making on the Covid “Epidemic”?

By Jerry PDX
Monday, July 26, 2021 at 2:06:00 A.M. EDT

How much money are inside stock traders making on the Covid “epidemic”?

I’ve been watching my own investments bounce up and down on Covid news and while I have done OK, I have to wonder about the high rollers. They must be making a killing beyond regular folks’ wildest fantasies. I don’t think it really matters how many people Covid kills, or doesn’t kill, maybe the numbers are inflated, maybe they are deflated, all that matters is how numbers can be used to manipulate the markets and help the filthy rich become even filthier rich.

The more I learn about the world, the more it seems that speculative wealth is the primary driver of everything happening around us, whether it be epidemics, alien invaders, protests in the streets or anti-White hatred.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
My theory is that the globalists wanted a "controllable" epidemic, with new CDC guidelines indicating it's no more contagious than normal cold and flu viruses (well, except the new mutant Greek name variants might have those super abilities to spread after all!) the public precautions should have nipped the epidemic in the bud, except amongst the elderly (the primary sacrificial group) a category they can camouflage or inflate the infection and casualty rate much easier than if it were spread throughout the population. If things run a little out of control in nursing homes, they don't care, they were people that were likely going to die soon anyways and aren't as useful to the greed merchants as working folks, or illegal alien invaders for that matter. Interestingly, 1/3 of all pneumonia deaths are infant children because their developing lungs and immune systems are more vulnerable to the 100 different virus's, microbes, germs & bacteria that can lead to severe respiratory illnesses (pneumonia). Yet, Covid does not seem to be affecting them the same way it does the elderly, which suggest the virus did not spread naturally in the beginning. I've only heard that brought up once on a conservative talk radio show where the host made the very same point, though he shied away from directly calling it a possible conspiracy.