Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Chicago Gang Members Outnumber Cops 10 to 1, as Crime Spike Reaches Fever Pitch, but Nobody May Criticize the Mayor! Such Criticisms are Based in Racism and Sexism, Not "Groot's" Fecklessness, and Racist Support of Colored Criminals

By R.C.
Tue, Jul 13, 2021 11:06 p.m.

Chicago Gang Members Outnumber Cops 10 to 1, as Crime Spike Reaches Fever Pitch

"Considering that we have had two weekends this year with over 100 people shot in Chicago, I would say the city is in war zone status," Chicago native Gianno Caldwell said.

R.C.: Then there is Kyle Rittenhouse.

N.S.: Besides, what would hiring more cops do, if Groot doesn't order them to do their job, and back them up?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Break it down further--how many worthless black cops are there employed by the city?You'd have to think,newly hired blacks would not want to arrest any fellow oppressed blacks.
"I see this dead body here,Jacquarious--and you're holding a gun that's just been fired.You run along now and I'll call this a suicide."
"Thanks bro,THAT'S the kind of justice we need on the streets."

It IS what they want,no doubt.