Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Angels in America: Victoria’s Secret Embraces Orthodox, Lesbian Uglification, Declares Angels “Culturally Irrelevant”

“Culturally irrelevant”? Only when women stop buying lingerie!

By Jerry PDX
Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at 1:51:00 P.M. EDT

Victoria’s Secret is doing away with the Angels, calling them “culturally irrelevant.”

They are now partnering with Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Megan Rapinhoe as their new representatives. I’m not sure what Mrs. Chopra Jonas is about but she is a hot-looking, former beauty queen and maybe she has something to offer. But Megan Rapinhoe? How does an unattractive, man-hating dyke work as the face of a beauty brand? Only in the bizarre world of Wokism, I guess.

Maybe I’m not the target consumer for their brand but I’ve seen the Angels over the years and have no complaints, so I don’t care what they say, hot-looking Victoria Secret women will always be relevant to me.

N.S.: And to billions of women, worldwide, none of whom look to Megan Rapinhoe as a model of beauty, intelligence, or character.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The company will be irrelevant also--and sooner than they think.