Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The msm and the black plague

[Re: “Do blacks Have a Civil Right to Rape and Murder Whites? Nearly 40,000 Supporters of Racist, Confessed, black Rapist-Murderer Chanel Lewis, Who Slaughtered White Karina Vetrano in 2016, Demand He be Released on Bail and, Ultimately, that His Convictions be Erased.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at 11:26:00 A.M. EDT

I wish there was a network on TV dedicated to the news we read about here--a network that would be an actual example of the free press in action--with ideally, N.S. providing in-depth reports as only he has the talent to delve into.

Free press means information--not censorship.

black crime is pervasive in our country, and yet, no one is allowed to talk about it. The fact is, black criminal activity has become as much of a pandemic as the Covid virus is in all our big cities and is increasing to those levels in many other medium-sized towns. Yet we are prevented from hearing ANY analysis about the “black plague” that has spread throughout the United States.

To call msm’s strategy in this area an “ostrich philosophy” understates the description--at least ostriches take their heads out from the ground occasionally--msm never does in its censoring of black crime.

blacks believe that pressure in numbers (and “celebrities” such as Kim Kardashian or Lesta Holt joining in) can neutralize the current legal system and allow black felons to be released.

The more blacks are allowed in positions where their decision-making can overrule the judicial process, the more we’ll see this occur in the future--to the detriment of (White) society.


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