Monday, November 09, 2020

Joe Biden's $11 Trillion Plan to Bankrupt America

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Sent: Mon, Nov 9, 2020 4:55 p.m.

Joe Biden's $11 Trillion Plan to Bankrupt America

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The latest news and analysis from
Monday, November 9, 2020
Joe Biden's Presidency Is Coming. It Will Be Bad In Predictable Ways.
We have decades of history to tell us how Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will govern, and it's bad news for those of us who care about individual liberty and limited government.
By Elizabeth Nolan Brown
Joe Biden's $11 Trillion Plan To Bankrupt America
The president-elect promised record levels of spending and taxes on the campaign trail. Will he succeed?
By Nick Gillespie
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According to Trump, Nearly Everyone Is Conspiring To Deny Him His Rightful Victory
The nefarious scheme evidently includes Republican officials and Trump-friendly news outlets.
By Jacob Sullum
What's Next for the Libertarian Party After Jo Jorgensen Got 1%
What went right and wrong in 2020, the L.P.'s internal divisions, and the party's strategy for the future.
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Feeling Good About the Future After an Ugly Election
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How Joe Biden Would Handle the COVID-19 Pandemic
Unfortunately, COVID, COVID, COVID this winter is unlikely to be Fake News.
By Ronald Bailey
Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Is 90% Effective
And there looks to be more good vaccine news coming.
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SCOTUS Considers Whether James King Has Any Recourse Against the Cops Who Choked and Beat Him for No Good Reason
According to the government, a law aimed at helping victims like King prevents him from holding his assailants accountable.
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Unions Lost a Major Battle in Their War on the Gig Economy
Nearly 60 percent of Californians approved a proposition to exempt Uber and Lyft from most of Assembly Bill 5.
By John Osterhoudt
America Wants Legal Marijuana More Than Ever Before. Catch Up, Joe Biden.
Gallup shows 68 percent supporting legalization.
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