Monday, November 09, 2020

"It Defies Logic": Scientist Finds Telltale Signs of Election Fraud after Analyzing Mail-In Ballot Data

By R.C.
Mon, Nov 9, 2020 8:31 p.m.

"'It Defies Logic': Scientist Finds Telltale Signs of Election Fraud after Analyzing Mail-In Ballot Data" | Zero Hedge

R.C.: It's not hard to pull off stuff like this.

Remember the Tonkin Gulf incident?

U.S.S. Maine?

Missing WMD (weapons of mass destruction)?

AIDS as an equal opportunity disease. Or was it a "gay plague"?

All you need is a docile, compliant, lapdog press.

Or state controlled, as in the U.S.

There are like six national media companies now.


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