Monday, May 04, 2020

Newsom Says California Went from Surplus to "Tens of Billions in Deficit" in Weeks, Won't Get by Without Help from Already Pauperized, White, Fed Taxpayers

By R.C.
Sun, May 3, 2020 5:42 p.m.

"Newsom Says California Went from Surplus to 'Tens of Billions in Deficit' in Weeks, Won't Get by Without Federal Help" | Zero Hedge

"I'm doing everything I can..." California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) says the nation's most populous state has flipped from 'tens of billions in surplus' to deficits over the course of weeks.

R.C.: And this is our problem because...?


Anonymous said...

Gavin wants money from the Federal government and that same Trump administration he hates so much.

Gavin does have brass nerve. I will grant him that.

Anonymous said...

Laugh of the Day:
Question:How many blacks--as a percentage--do you see in all the protests,of people trying to go back to work?
Any blacks at all?

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The debate continues...Surprisingly, in my debate with a former DA, Joshua Marquis, he responded one more time, though I think it's the last I'm going to hear from him. BTW, I do appreciate the support Nicholas, but nothing appears to be making an impression with Mr. Marquis, his latest response was just more talking from where the sun don't shine. Seriously though, the man spent at least 6 yrs. studying law and this is the best argument he can muster, well argument is a misnomer, it's really an insult and continued evasion of my question to him:

Joshua Marquis GerMart • a day ago

You're an anonymous troll with a pedantic minor grasp on a complex criminal system.
Can you read the trick graph above? Did you notice the overwhelming majority of cases affected are actually overwhelmingly serious sex crimes? WW deliberately broke them into three categories, while lumping assaults and arson into a single category.
You keep talking about arrests. People (usually white men) go to prison for conviction on plea (about 94% of the time) or juries. If you are so confident, don't hide behind anonymmity.

Yes, that is the best a lawyer and former DA can muster, referencing the graph was meaningless because it had absolutely nothing to do with my question to him. This is the 1st paragraph of my response:

GerMart Joshua Marquis • 20 hours ago

I don't claim to be an expert on the criminal justice system, I'm asking you to support your specious and racist comment that "white men are the overwhelming majority of sex criminals". That assertion in a country where white men are the majority is redundant, so why did you feel the need to announce it to the world? Pointing that out doesn't make me a troll, I suggest you look up the meaning of the word.

Arguing with this man, who once was in a position of legal power over "white men", I have to wonder how he treated "white men" vs. "non white men". I expect blacks in the legal industry to be racist toward whites but he is a white man so his racial self hate and purported conservatism makes him somewhat of a wolf in sheep clothing. I wonder how many "white men" have received unfair decisions due to his bias, or how many "non white men" received diversity consideration.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of California...
The N.Y.Mets won their first game of the season in Los Angeles Monday night,two days after breaking the record for consecutive losses in a season ,when manager Donald Trump signed a Presidential order decreeing that MLB give the Mets a 1-0 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers,after playing only five innings under a light drizzle.
"I've instructed the commissioner of baseball to designate tonight's game,which I managed from the White House,to be an official Mets' victory.It's a tremendous win for New York and me personally,to lead one of the two professional teams--from my favorite city --to its first win of the season."
After a scoreless first four innings,the Mets took the lead in the top of the fifth on a Pete Alonso long ball and Trump,watching closely from Washington on TV,decided,after the Dodgers went in order--in the home half of the fifth--it was time to make sure his managerial debut would be successful.
The "request",sent to commissioner Rob Manfred,read:"I hearby declare this game stopped early--on account of rain--and made official."
President Donald J Trump

Manfred agreed with the request and the game was called after five innings--final:Mets 1 Dodgers 0
The win broke a 25 game losing streak.
Almost immediately,a backlash erupted on both social and mainstream medias,with politicians calling for impeachment and Hollywood celebrities demanding violence (what's new?)
Robert DeNiro said,"If that #$&@ing Trump was a baseball and I was a bat,I would hit him to the #$&@ing moon."
Cher,Steven Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel tweeted their outrage.
Joe Biden,Trump's apparent opponent in November,instead of responding to the question put to him about the unusual Mets' triumph,denied sexually assaulting Tara Reade remarking,"I don't remember this happening.I also don't remember my name,the current year and why I'm talking to you."
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer blasted Trump-- out of habit--while boring impeachment threats from Adam Schiff resurfaced.
The ACLU filed a lawsuit in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn the victory--and this Mets' win,for now,will have an asterisk attached to it--until the eventual Supreme Court hearing in September.
The Mets,currently 1* and 25,continue their series tomorrow night in L.A..Trump resigned as manager,saying,"Another promise kept--the Mets are great again--at least for one day--now it's on to the election."