Friday, May 15, 2020

Mug Shots

By An Old Friend
Friday, May 15, 2020, 03:51:30 P.M. MDT

The Desired Mix

AOF: Just the other day, a friend in LA sent me this photo, and I reciprocated with the attached.


Two More


Anonymous said...

Brainwashing... look at how the black male is holding the white women. The problem is that black women will turn on white women who hook up with, date or marry black men. Dangerous. It's not called the Nicole Brown Simpson Award for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Why turn on the white women?The negresses should be slicing and dicing their black traitor baboons as a disciplinary lesson.Shooting and killing a few thousand of these boons might make them see the error of their ways--which is,that black boons need to stay with black boon women(who by the way,unless they look like Hallie Berry or Diahann Carroll,have little chance of attracting a white guy).
In the old days,you didn't see Jane leave Tarzan for the monkey.You didn't see Fay Wray give it up to King Kong.White women stayed with white men,and boons stayed with boons--much happier world that way.
There's an increased chance,of the girl in that pic--because she was connected with blackie for the shoot--becoming a statistic in some way at the hands of that black.Drugs,rape or murder--for various reasons.
Shame on the company for endangering that girl.

Anonymous said...

Mix the species. Breed the whitey out of existence. It may sound crazy but how else can you think? Same as with all the interracial commercials with the racially mixed couple. A negro man and a whitey woman almost exclusively so.