Saturday, August 17, 2019

A New Poem for the Statue of Liberty

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Saturday, August 17, 2019 at 1:34:00 A.M. EDT


Give me your tired and poor,
Those who yearn to breathe free,
Just don’t send your gangs,
Don’t send them to me.

Don’t send me your misfits,
Or those who will flee,
As we try to ID them,
Don’t send them to me.

Don’t send me your Muslims,
Or commies by sea,
Keep home the drug dealers,
Don’t send them to me.

We don’t want your killers,
—you have to agree,
Molesters or rapists,
Don’t send them to me.

We’ve taken in millions,
The “Land of the Free,”
Enough is enough,
Don’t send them to me.


Anonymous said...

Like with Godfather II. Stand in line, wait your turn, take the physical, walk up two flights of stairs, prove you have a sponsor.

Anonymous said...

When I read about "The New Collosus" story,I started thinking about a couple updated poems the Statue of Liberty might be more in tune with--in 2019-- instead of Emma Lazarus' drivel.Here's the first one I was toying with--I decided I liked the second one better.

Statue of liberty speaks--2019
I've taken your tired,your poor,
For year after year,
But this is too much
For our country I fear
I've also taken in terrorists and
the such
Once again,I repeat
That this is too much

This isn't the way our founders
thought we should be
We have our own citizens
yearning to breathe free
And not lose their lives
To the immigrants I see
Who don't agree with the way
that America

So I vote that we stop
--put an end to this mess
And begin to decide
that much more is much less
GRA:Last poem from me for a long while--promise lol.