Saturday, April 20, 2019

Why Do Black Drivers Refuse to Obey the Traffic Laws (and then Complain about being Penalized!)?



Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

The one group of drivers in America that has the least grounds for complaining about being pulled over by police is blacks. They refuse to obey the traffic laws, thus drawing attention to themselves, and then scream bloody murder when the police respond to their actions. They should be celebrating such police responses, and thanking the officers in question. That would be the rational response.

'Oh, Officer, thank you so much for stopping me! I felt a great need for attention, and you gave it to me.'

Instead, they complain. This is the perfect expression of black narcissism and paranoia, along with a million other such expressions.

And of course, their white communist allies scream bloody murder on their behalf.

Blacks even assert that they are victims of "racial profiling" when the cop stopping them couldn't possibly know the race of the driver, because it's pitch black outside.

A Reader Has an Observation about Black Drivers and Turn Signals Reader
April 20, 2019, 11:40 A.M.

Re: James Fulford’s article Black Privilege Is Ultimate Cause Of Minnesota Mall Atrocity

From: Colin Wright [Via]

James Fulford says in his recent article:

‘… In 2002, Heather Mac Donald wrote in City Journal about a New Jersey study that said black drivers speed twice as much as white drivers. …’

Somewhat irrelevantly, that reminds me: blacks never use their turn signals. Okay: when I first noticed this, I started watching, and I have to admit over a period of years I think I did notice one black actually use his turn signal.

The observation fascinates me: what exactly does it say about the attitude of blacks towards the world around them? After all, I signal: aside from disliking tickets, I want other drivers to be aware of my intentions, and I’d just as soon not cause mayhem as I career down the streets. Most other non-blacks signal as well: not invariably, but usually.

So why don’t blacks signal—ever?

James Fulford writes: There's not a lot of research on why blacks don't use their turn signals. (Such research is...discouraged.) Instead there are studies on why they get stopped more than whites.

For example, the story

In racially diverse 14th District, Philly police target black drivers 3 times more than whites, analysis shows, by Bobby Allyn Maura Ewing,, January 11, 2019

might just as easily have been headed "In racially diverse 14th District, black drivers offend 3 times more than whites". That seems entirely reasonable.

The same applies to a story that says

...failure to signal is often a handy tool for police to establish a valid reason to pull over a vehicle that they feel is suspicious. A signal violation is a primary offense -- one that legally allows a traffic stop. Police might suspect a driver is drunk, transporting drugs or guilty of any number of other infractions. (See "Do you look like you have insurance?")

That practice can be controversial.

Florida attorney Shane Fischer says that in his experience, failure-to-signal tickets are much more common in poor, predominantly African-American or Latino communities.

Data presented in Chavez v. Illinois State Police, a class-action lawsuit, showed that Hispanics, while less than 3 percent of the driving-age population in one district, made up 25 percent of drivers pulled over in discretionary stops for offenses such as failure to signal a lane change.

Once again, that seems entirely reasonable. The lawyers and lawmakers have a fantasy that everyone acts exactly the same, and if police give more tickets to one group, that's profiling.


Anonymous said...

Police pulled me over a couple times,in my younger days,for "broken license plate lights".While he was running my plates and license,I got out of the car to see if my plate light was out.It wasn't.He yelled to "get my ass back in the car."
I didn't really mind,I knew I had a clean record--which is the difference between me and the black convicts who are afraid of being stopped.Most have warrants upon warrants on them,so its
just a matter of time until they get caught.
--GR Anonymous

Anonymous said...

If blacks commit three times the driving offenses as do whites [no matter what the type of offense] I would expect blacks to get stopped three times the amount of times whites get stopped.

I might expect too that under close scrutiny blacks commit traffic offenses one right after another. It is just not an accidental violation, they have no regard for any law.

Anonymous said...

A number of years ago there was a Washington State Supreme Court Justice named Richard Sanders. Sanders was a libertarian/conservative who consistently came out on the side of individual rights--including property rights. He voted for defendants in 94% of the cases. But he was asked why the black prison population was disproportionately high. He responded that there was a higher proportion of blacks in prison because they commit more crimes. The Seattle Times was outraged that anyone dare to tell the truth and ended up causing him to lose the election. Personally, I take everyone as an individual--not as a race. But when black racists start blaming whites for all their problems, everyone should be outraged. If any race owes reparations it is blacks for all the crimes they commit, all the welfare money they consume, and all the cities they have made into dangerous no-go zones. Enough is enough. No more kowtowing to blacks. No more white guilt. It is time to lay the blame and the guilt where it belongs--on blacks.