Sunday, September 01, 2024

“one of the major threats to the country’s youths it named is 'the imposition of the western lifestyle and consumption habits,' which includes extraterritorial, apolitical views and sexual deviations”

By R.C.
sunday, september 1, 2024 at 12:45:44 p.m. edt

“one of the major threats to the country’s youths it named is 'the imposition of the western lifestyle and consumption habits,' which includes extraterritorial, apolitical views and sexual deviations”

“russian government lists threats to country's youth”

yankee imperialism and globohomo agenda marching into russia under the rainbow™ flag.

The revolutionary spirit of the west being thrust upon the rest of the world.


Anonymous said...

Why are we fighting Russia--both countries are commie.


Anonymous said...

Russia has NOT been a Communist state since the Berlin Wall fell. OUR country has been run by Communists since the 1920s. (It's been said, though, that if Putin doesn't take stronger action against Ukraine, he will eventually be replaced by a "hard-liner"- and who knows where that will lead?)

Related news item:

If only I could...


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The global homo agenda is having a much greater impact on women than men:

It's underage females that are most vulnerable to homosexual messages and those insecurities follow them throughout adulthood, despite the fact that young women have significant social and demographic advantages over their male peers (I said "young women", it's different for older women). They have been brainwashed into believing they are eternal victims and that lesbianism is the solution to their feelings of social estrangement. Remember, lesbians and other lgbtq zealots want your children, especially your daughters, to feel socially insecure so they program negative attitudes in your daughters hoping they will turn to homosexuality as a "solution" to their problems. They don't encourage underage girls to have a balanced and healthy perspective on developing sexual and social issues but instead portray boys as unfeeling lumps of flesh who do nothing but treat girls like garbage. If these polls are to be believed, the programming is succeeding quite well.

It's not just homosexuals though, they have plenty of woke heterosexual allies who are helping promote the agenda. Note that most articles about the increase in homosexuality lumps males in with females. They don't address that fact that any increase among males is negligible, it's among females that homosexual behavior has exploded. One of the reasons why they do that is because it suggests that there are environmental reasons for homosexuality so they simply ignore it.

Anonymous said...

What is Russia's brand of government?


Anonymous said...

"What is Russia's brand of government?" A Democracy, per a couple of sources I checked. From Wiki:

The new Russian Constitution was adopted in 1993. It gained legitimacy through its bicameral legislature, an independent judiciary, the position of the president and the prime minister, and democratic features. These democratic features included competitive multi-party elections, separation of powers, federalism, and protection of civil liberties.

More than you can say for us at this point (and I know, technically we're a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy). And they're not throwing people into gulags anymore- we are!


Anonymous said...

Thanks,RM. I've never heard of Russia having those features mentioned--at least by OUR media--just that Yeltsin and Putin were totally in charge. All the rest--legislature,judiciary et al.--would seem to be rubber stamps for the President--da or nyet?


Anonymous said...

Hetero men have to be men and hetero women have to be women--it's that simple. The queers,I don't care about,except to prevent them from influencing kids with their deviant behavior,through adoption or other bizarre ways of acquiring babies(IVF).