Saturday, March 18, 2023

White teacher in a black school quits during class (video)

By "W"
fri, mar 17, 2023 6:10 p.m.

White teacher in a black school quits during class


Anonymous said...


(GRA)Is that just a euphemism for being murdered?Maybe not here,but with the pro-black press these days,you can take nothing at face value,as they seek to cover up black crime by turning these incidents into a code of sorts.

Example:A Chicago teen stumbled off a curb today,causing him to awkwardly fall--resulting in his death.Jacquarious Jones was pronounced dead by medical personnel after failing to judge the distance of the curb to the street properly.It was the 15th such incident this weekend on Chicago streets.

Poor car maintenance was apparently to blame as a number of vehicles hit telephone poles,causing fatalities to 7 Chicago blacks Friday evening.The sound of "backfiring" by the automobiles was heard by witnesses,shortly before the crashes occurred.Among the vehicles identified were three Cadillacs,two Mercedes Benz and two Ford SUVs. One auto manufacturing spokesman, responding to our inquiry,said they "were unaware of mechanical issues with their product,but would be open to compensating the victims if the automobile was found to be at fault."

Malfunctioning swing sets in two Chicago parks were determined to be the cause of 4 fatalities this past weekend.Investigators were called to Palmer Park where three black teenagers were found dead next to a swing set,apparently having gone airborne from the seat of the swing,resulting in death.

Violent pigeons--for the 4th week in a row,took the lives of six innocent black youths at the newly named Lightfoot Park,on Chicago's south side.Wounds consistent with bird beak penetration were found to be the cause of death by the new black city coroner's office.

On the positive side,no murders by shooting or stabbing were recorded for the 3rd month in a row.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I remember watching a tv show years ago that had a scene where a teacher walked out of class due to disruptive kids, except this portrayal had the teacher as a black woman and most of the bad kids in class being White.

I think what the White teacher in the video did was actually try to teach. You can't do that with a room full of negroes, you have to acquiesce and let them do what they want. Especially if you are White, they might give a black teacher some respect but if you're White, forget it.

Anonymous said...

Young idealistic whitey kids take four years of college with the intention of becoming a teacher and helping poor disadvantaged colored kids in the "ghetto" to learn.

They start a brand-new teaching job and don't even make it through one day, their ability to control the class room about nil.

Not common but not so uncommon. The colored just make life hell for the whitey teachers. It is enjoyable for the colored to do so.

Anonymous said...

"It is enjoyable for the colored to do so."

We got'z the pow-ah.