Wednesday, March 08, 2023

See Gilbert Roland Guest Star on Combat! s.3, ep. 22: “The Convict” (1965): Entire Episode Free, Uncut, and Without Commercial Interruptions, at WEJB/NSU

Re-posted by N.S.

The weak link is the actor who plays Roland’s son.

Combat!: Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

S.1 Ep.3: “Lost Sheep, Lost Shepherd” (1962); Jeffrey Hunter (four different languages spoken, but never just for show);

S. 1, Ep. 9: “Cat and Mouse” 1962; Albert Salmi (“Nazi shoe clerks!”);

S. 1, Ep. 11: “A Day in June” 1962;

S. 1, Ep. 16: “The Volunteer” (1963); Serge Prieur and Ted Knight (ein Juenger soll Tschokolade jede Woche haben” “A boy should have chocolate every week”;

S.2, Ep.1: “The Bridge at Chalons” (1963); Lee Marvin, “You’re like a mother hen with your chicks”;

S. 2, Ep. 4: “The Long Way Home”, Part 1 (1963); Richard Basehart, Woodrow Parfrey;

S. 2, Ep. 5: “The Long Way Home,” Part 2 (1963);

S. 2, Ep. 24: “The Hunter” (1964); Alfred Ryder (“We are going to play a new game, Herr Sergeant, a hunting game!” The Most Dangerous Game); and

S. 4, Eps. 25 & 26: “Hills are for Heroes,” Parts I & II (1966).


Anonymous said...

I started watching it last night.These are excellent programs.


Anonymous said...

Saunders was on to the Frenchman right away. He saw the blood smear on the pants where the Frenchman had wiped his knife off.