Thursday, March 09, 2023

“Green Energy” = dead whales and other marine life

By Jerry PDX
thursday, march 9, 2023 at 12:43:00 a.m. est

“Green Energy” = dead whales and other marine life:

The ocean is supposed to be one of our new sources of “green energy.” Wave energy, underwater turbines, floating solar collectors and wind energy generators...But in new jersey just one floating, wind-generating project may be responsible for numerous sightings of dead whales. The national oceanic and atmospheric administration (noaa), insists no evidence ties the whale deaths to wind energy development but local people don’t believe it.

I have no idea if this wind farm is actually killing whales, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a connection. You can’t fill coastal waters with all sorts of floating platforms and other types of energy-gathering equipment without affecting the environment, whether warming the water, interfering with sonar used by whale and dolphins, or creating pollutants that contribute to red tides that kill marine life. There’s going to be an impact. In order to generate enough energy to supply a growing population of hundreds of millions of people (for the u.s., worldwide could be billions) that impact would be monumental.

There is no such thing as “green” energy. Whatever these so-called green energies replace, they will have a correspondingly equal impact on the environment. Possibly even worse than whatever they replaced.

Green energy is what is supposed to make population growth OK. We’ll just live cleaner to compensate for more people. The woke have worked too hard to equate criticism of immigration with racism. They simply cannot acknowledge that a growing population in the u.s. could be a problem, and that mass immigration is the only reason it is a problem.


Anonymous said...

Old Schwarzeneggar movie called,"Collateral Damage", the title of which perfectly explains what happens to whales,White people or whatever else you might notice go belly up from government schemes and scams.These types accept collateral damage because they cause it and are not a part of it unless a fall guy is needed.The movie is average,but the phrase can be used over and over again these days with accuracy.


Anonymous said...

"Like a stick in the eye,
Bird blenders in the sky."
I don't know if the stupid windmill construction is killing whales, but it is a fact that these monstrosities are like blenders smashing thousands of bats and birds--including eagles. Try killing eagles yourself and you end up in prison--but these scammers get away with it. Wind energy is the most expensive form of energy and these windmills would not exist without government help. The bearings are very expensive and don't last long. Every time I drive by a beautiful landscape ruined by these machines, I notice that few of them are actually turning and generating electricity. It is all a scam--like so many things these days. Coal can be turned into liquid vehicle fuel and we have enough coal for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. Coal can be used cleanly and globull warming, er, man-caused "climate change" is just another of the many scams inflicted on us.