Saturday, March 04, 2023

french fake journalist unwittingly reveals his support of the great replacement

By A Colleague
sat, mar 4, 2023 11:58 a.m.

"sub-saharan migrants in tunisia living in 'climate of fear'"

When I read something like this, I just shake my head at the naivete of clueless climate activists who keep admonishing the West and the "Global North" to prepare for -- and even welcome! -- a huge and never-ending surge of "climate refugees" from "the Global South" with its continuing population explosion.  

"sub-saharan migrants in tunisia living in 'climate of fear' after surge in racist attacks"

"hundreds of sub-saharan migrants fled tunisia on repatriation flights saturday after a surge in racist attacks in the north african country following a controversial speech from president president [sic] Kais Saied. as tensions reach boiling point, france 24 talked to Patrick*, a congolese student who decided to stay despite fearing for his safety.

"'right now, we are afraid to go out for a walk like we used to," says Patrick*, a congolese 29-year-old who arrived in tunisia six months ago to study international business. in the past few weeks, attitudes in tunisia have hardened towards people like him from sub-saharan africa.

"sub-saharan migrants [illegal aliens] living in the north african country have long faced racial stigma, but in the wake of comments from tunisian president Kais Saied on february 21 tensions have reached boiling point. in a hardline speech targeting illegal immigration the president called for 'urgent measures' against 'hordes of illegal immigrants' coming from sub-saharan africa who he blamed for bringing 'violence, crimes and unacceptable deeds' to tunisia.

"echoing the great replacement theory popular among some right-wing groups in europe and the us, he said illegal immigration was the result of a 'criminal plan … to change the demographic composition of tunisia.'"

"'the undeclared goal of the successive waves of illegal immigration is to consider tunisia a purely african country that has no affiliation to the arab and islamic nations,' he added."

N.S.: With all due respect, (name deleted), I think the word is "evil," rather than "naive."

The self-styled "climate activists" are using fake science to rationalize using primitive, african blacks as a battering ram to commit genocide against countries in north africa, europe, and the u.s.

Trotsky came up with this strategy already in the 1930s. (I think I read somewhere that Stalin did likewise on his own around the same time.)

During the 1950s, U.S. communists like Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy turned Trotsky's strategy into the ideology of "third-worldism."

While I have no idea whether the alleged "surge in racist attacks" is real or media propaganda, the sub-saharan africans' mere presence in tunisia constitutes a racist attack. Even the france24 operative admitted that the sub-saharan africans are all illegal human beings.


Anonymous said...

>a surge in racist attacks

Better late than never.

The 'attacks' are only deemed 'racist' because Sub-Saharan Africans are black but Tunisians are not -- the key point is that Sub-Saharan Africans don't belong in Tunisia, and are finally being forced to leave.

Presumably most of the Sub-Saharan Africans are using Tunisia as a stopover on their way to Europe where they intend to apply for asylum -- but Tunisia is a signatory to both the 1951 refugee treaty as well as the 1967 addendum/protocol:

So were they really fleeing persecution, the Sub-Saharan Africans could conceivably apply for refugee status in Tunisia.

Of course they won't do that because they are cherry-picking economic migrants whose destination is white Europe.

So technically if Tunisia is pushing out people seeking asylum, then that can be seen as illegal because asylum-seekers have a right to seek protection, including in Tunisia, a country that signed the treaty on refugees.

But you will not hear much about this in Western media, whereas if a white, Western country did this the media would be full of outrage about it.

All of this exposes the agenda which is the Kalergi Plan-like demographic destruction of the West.

Anonymous said...

If the place is so dangerous and you are so scared, just stay away from the place. Go back home where you are more comfortable.