Saturday, March 04, 2023

Meet the Halls: they’re raceless twins who murder their own children; at one point, they had six kids between them, but they’re down to two, who are clinging to life

By Nicholas Stix
Addendum, saturday, march 4, 11:31 p.m.

The previous item I posted on one of these killers was absolutely worthless. If you watched the video, you figured the killer must have been black, because the pretty, fake news reporter (a Nicole Nielsen) let a loud black man in love with the sound of his own voice say a whole lot of nothing, while just about everyone else assembled in the street were White folks.

Three children had been murdered, three grievously wounded, and yet the “reporter” uncritically told us the police’s claim that there was no threat to the community.

The previous, cbs news thing’s lede, “Dozens of people were at the scene of multiple stabbings Friday night,” suggested to me that someone had committed a mass stabbing in front of many witnesses.

What really happened was that a black woman named Shamaiya Hall decided to murder all five of her children, who were between the ages of six and 13 months.

She slaughtered the 6-year-old and two 5-year-olds, and wounded the 4-year-old and the 13-month-old.

Shamaiya Hall, 25, not to be confused with her child-slaughtering (same m.o.) twin sister, Troyshaye Mone Hall, was not supposed to ever be left alone with any of her children, who had been put in the care of an as yet unnamed relative by Child Protective Services. The relative violated the order, and now three and counting of the children are dead. That makes Shamaiya Hall a mass murderer, and her relative an accessory before the fact.

Thus, Shamaiya Hall should get justice, and her relative should get life until parole. However, since we live under what GRA calls “black law,” neither is likely to be punished. The authorities are already playing the crazy card for mommie dearest, and have covered up for her relative, the accessory before the fact, refusing to so much as id her.

Full disclosure: In a previous life, I worked as an adoption worker and as a foster-care worker, and never saw a black mother get punished—probation doesn’t count—no matter how badly she abused her kids. One surely murdered one of her sons, before I was on the case, but the case file simply stated that the boy “died under mysterious circumstances.” I still have a portrait that my favorite foster mother gave me of two fraternal twins—a boy and a girl, who were among my kids. They turned six while I had them. The boy, who was very handsome, sounded like the reincarnation of Shakespeare, while the girl had a speech delay, and flirted shamelessly with me. Their mother, whom I dubbed “Rwanda Campbell,” when I wrote about her) had let her drug dealer-boyfriend rape the girl, on or before her second birthday. There was no question about that, because he gave her vd, which issued in vaginal warts. Then, when he decided to murder her, when she was two, by drowning her in the bathtub, he called 911. However, on the way to the ER, one of the EMTs was able to revive her, and the drug dealer realized that the doctor would discover the warts, he grabbed the little girl and ran off.

The drug dealer-boyfriend supposedly went to prison. Due to typos, he had many names—Hillary or Hilliard Debose or Dubose. The mother only got probation, which she immediately violated in every way imaginable. I learned from a spanish lady in the housing project office (“Please don’t tell her I told you this!”) that the mother had gone to jail to marry her daughter’s rapist, because the apartment was in his name.

My agency eventually handed over the twins to a racist aunt of their mother, who made off like a thief, through a scam called “kinship foster care,” whereby a relative would get paid up to the three times the welfare rate per child for doing what they should have done for nothing.

When I was child, if there was a family crisis, relatives took care of grandchildren or nieces and nephews, and didn’t look for a handout from the taxpayer. That’s how Gerne Hackman grew up during the Great Depression, when his old man went out for the proverbial pack of smokes. It’s also how my big sister and I grew up for stretches much later.

But that’s not the black way. Not only did I see abused and neglected black kids’ relatives ignore them, in their hour of need, but they wouldn’t even take their kin for welfare money. But when the city cranked up the “kinship foster care” machine during the late 1980s, said relatives came crawling out of the woodwork, to pick the White taxpayers’ pocket.

Shamaiya Hall

Troyshaye Mone Hall

Now, let’s meet Shamaiya Hall’s murderous twin, Troyshaye Mone Hall.

Troyshaye Mone Hall

“Troyshaye Mone Hall biography: 10 things about Dallas, Texas woman”
By Abdel Jibri Omar on March 3, 2023

Troyshaye Mone Hall

1. “She is a resident of Dallas, Texas. (a)(b)
2. “Aside from Dallas, she has lived in other parts of Texas including Palestine. (c)
3. “She has a twin sister named Shamaiya Hall. Shamaiya has 5 children. (a)(d)
4. “She and Shamaiya have a younger brother. (a)(b)
5. “In 2014, she gave birth to Madison Petry. (a)(b)
6. “In May 2017, she used a knife to threaten her boyfriend, who was living in the apartment of his female cousin. A few days later, she forced her way into the apartment and attacked her boyfriend’s female cousin, who she thought was his new girlfriend. When she was arrested, she identified herself to authorities using Shamaiya’s name. After pleading guilty to charges of aggravated assault and burglary of a habitation, which she committed, she was sentenced to eight years of deferred-adjudication probation. (a)
7. “On June 17, 2021, she was at home in Dallas with her mother, her younger brother, her younger brother’s male friend, then 16, and Petry. She stabbed the teenage boy and Petry. While the male victim survived, her daughter died in the hospital. She was arrested before the day ended. (a)(b)(e)
8. “On June 18, 2021, she was charged with capital murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. She was booked into the Lew Sterrett Justice Center in Dallas on $1,500,000 bond. (a)(b)(e)
9. “In October 2021, she was ordered to go to North Texas State Hospital in Vernon, Texas. (d)
10. “She and Shamaiya were 25 years old when Shamaiya was arrested on March 3, 2023. Earlier that day, three of Shamaiya’s five children were fatally stabbed and the two others were injured in Italy, Texas. (d)”

N.S.: None of the stories I found mentioned any of the children's fathers.


Anonymous said...

Six kids between 'em.Who would donate sperm to those two women?Gruesome thought.It's actually a good name for Troyshae.


Anonymous said...

The colored just have so many deadly pathologies. And THEY BOSS AROUND the rest of American society?

Anonymous said...


Cbs' "Face the(Commie)Nation"--full of of propaganda today about covid,crt,DeSantis and crime--finished the hour with a look back at the 1963 "Selma Bridge March" by blacks--including a 2016 interview with John Lewis by Bob Schieffer--a pro-black Whitey.

I thought that February was over with,but cbs has decided that "black hysteria month" will go on and on.

The report states that blacks were attempting to get the right to vote back then--with a huge march--encountered resistance at a bridge in Selma,but LBJ,in a speech to Congress stated,"there will be federal oversight by military to ensure the safe crossing of the bridge by peaceful protesters"(lol).

"Their cause is our cause,"said the traitorous POTUS.

He reminded me of Biden--or vice versa.

We all know that,in private,LBJ said,"after this(voting legislation passed)we'll have the nig*er vote for decades."

You can only wonder what Biden says about the "nig*ers" in private.


Anonymous said...

"N.S.: None of the stories I found mentioned any of the children's fathers."

These ladies might not even know who the daddies are. Ladies.