Thursday, March 23, 2023

Did education reform in the public schools fail, due to underfunding?

By N.S.

Safe Now: “Critics, Ted Kennedy for example, would repeatedly argue that the reforms are finally in place but the funding was never delivered by Congress. It’s too bad that there was a funding cheapness, because this gave critics something to point to as an excuse for the failure to close the gap.”

N.S.: You’re fantasizing. Education budgets weren’t underfunded, they were overfunded. Already during the pre-Brown early 1950s, segregated, black Southern public schools were getting as much or more than White schools (the late, great Raymond Wolters).

By the 1970s, education spending needed to be cut at every level, from pre-K to the antiversity. Instead, congress stuck its hand ever deeper into White taxpayers’ pocket, in order to pauperize them, and enrich black and hispanic grifters and their White “allies.”

Years ago, first Pat Buchanan, and then Jason Richwine showed that black-dominated schools were drowning in cash, with spending typically twice as much per student as in those still dominated by White students. And many public schools in well-to-do, White districts were black-dominated a generation or more ago, as racist, black thugs (whose parents did not pay for their kids) ran out all of the White kids.

Meanwhile, the White kids’ parents, like millions of other White parents, had to pay twice for education: Once for their own kids’ private schools, and once for the racist, black thugs who had taken over the public schools.


Anonymous said...

"due to underfunding?"

Oh man.

The wealthiest black kids in America live in View Park/Windsor Hills CA.

The poorest white kids in America live in Owsley County KY.

Median family income in VP-WH is 10x what it is in Owsley.

But the rich black kids in VP-WH have lower average standard test scores than the poor white kids in Owsley.

Look it up.

Anonymous said...

Gimme Owsley any time. And yes it is not money.