Sunday, March 05, 2023

broken hinge: the racist, seattle school system is making all students' success dependent on black male achievement, and inflicting special olympics math on intelligent students

Brent Jones, superintendent of seattle public schools

By R.C.
sun, mar 5, 2023 2:58 p.m.

why seattle schools is hinging student success on black male achievement

The hinge is broken.

N.S.: White parents need to sue. The strategy is openly racist, and anti-pedagogical. The alleged educators are dumbing down math by eliminating abstract thinking. That will cripple intelligent students, by slowing them down, so they cannot do high-level math. The claim that all students will benefit from special olympics math is a transparent lie.


Anonymous said...

Ask Brent to spell "arithmetic".

Anonymous said...

More than 1 in 5 Seattle students are enrolled in private schools, among highest in nation

Anonymous said...

Correct. That other area where negroes administrators most welcome other than police chiefs. The negro educator. Surely they of all people can turn around a backward school system that fails and makes it "equitable" for all the different species of mankind. Guess again.

Anonymous said...

The latest stats show Seattle is 64.8% White,16.8% Asian and 6% black.

Even with a city having these kind of demographics,Whitey need not apply?

Add school super to police chief for mandatory black coronation of those jobs?

A black in the those jobs can control most of the agenda for that city--and it doesn't benefit Whites.

As Daniel Carver used to say on the Stern show,20 years ago:"Wake up,White people."


Anonymous said...

Very few department bosses in Seattle are white males. Fire chief is black male, library head is black male, school head is black male, police chief is latino male (last one was black female), mayor is black/japanese male, head of power utility is white female.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lawsuit should be filed for anti-discriminatory reimbursement.Why won't Whites DO anything?