Tuesday, February 07, 2023

texas couple charged with dealing fentanyl-laced pills to middle, high school students, 3 of whom died

By A Texas Reader
tue, feb 7, 2023 1:43 p.m.

texas couple charged with dealing fentanyl-laced pills to middle, high school students, 3 of whom died


“There are jobs that Americans won’t do!” – George “Dubya” Bush

The irs should investigate the victims’ families.

Tax evasion.

Working off the books.

Scrubbing floors.

Washing cars.

Painting houses.

Dealing drugs.


Anonymous said...

Letting this many criminally devoted Mex in the US is the same as when McDonalds was allowed to franchise in Asia for the first time.A whole new population of customers for Mex to let, "have it their way"--which with drugs--is never a good thing.

The drug explosion is squarely the result of the 30 year Mex invasion and black criminality--with Whites bearing the brunt of the immigration policy to erase the border--and the softening of drug laws to allow black drug dealers to stay in business--killing 100,000 Whites a year.


Anonymous said...

Death penalty case. They both need to be executed.