Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Rice founder's statue, ashes to be moved from focal point on campus due to history as slave owner

By A Texas Reader
tue, feb 7, 2023 9:48 p.m.

Rice founder's statue, ashes to be moved from focal point on campus due to history as slave owner The centerpiece at the Rice university academic quadrangle, which is flanked by Lovett hall and Fondren library, is the founder's memorial.

The a$$holes at Rice "university" chose a haitian to be their new president.


And Reginald has the obligatory Mickey Mouse C.V.

One stuffed with the obligatory government jobs and corporate board positions.

So, were the folks at Rice virtue-signaling like the clowns at harvard?

They don't call it racial profiling for nothing.


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the entire school be forced out of business,the campus torched by angry blacks?

Anonymous said...

part of the campaign to demoralize and dispirit whites, especially white males, in order to make them easier to subjugate

rice is private and probably depends heavily on donations and bequests from alumni for funding, and its alumni are no doubt primarily white -- alumni should stop donating and make rice start consuming its endowment to keep itself going (no way tuition is enough) -- alumni could organize this

just like with 'woke' entertainment, you have to stop funding it -- disney can make all the nonsense it wants, but if people stop consuming it disney will eventually change or go out of business


[“Although Rice University was founded nearly 50 years after the abolition of slavery, Rice has some historical connections to that terrible part of American history and the segregation and racial disparities that resulted directly from it,” Rice President David W. Leebron said announcing the initiative in a memo addressed to the university community June 4.]

Rice President David W. Leebron is a Jew:


not that you should attach any particular significance to that

Anonymous said...

rice is private and probably depends heavily on donations and bequests from alumni for funding, and its alumni are no doubt primarily white -- alumni should stop donating and make rice start consuming its endowment to keep itself going

And no alumni show up for home football games or basketball. Just boycott everything in the school.